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Dosage form: & nbspmedical leeches

View Hirudo medicinalis refers to the type Anelides-bare worms, sub-species: leech pharmacist (Hirudo medicinalis officinalis), leech eastern (Hirudo medicinalis orientalis).

The body of the leech, elongated in length and flattened in the dorso-ventral direction, ends at both ends with suckers. The posterior sucker is developed more strongly, it is always visible, has no holes, serves for attachment and movement. The anterior sucker manifests itself at the moment of sucking to any object, the body of the patient or animal. In the depth of the sucker is the oral cavity.

The main color of the dorsal side of the leech is light green with a noticeable olive tint. The main color is always mixed with different shades (from intensely green to grayish). A medical leech (Hirudo medicinalis), in contrast to other species, there are orange patterned strips on the back, located closer to the sides. They are clearly visible even in dark-colored specimens.

Leech should be healthy, do not have physical injuries on the body and suckers.

Distinctive symptoms:

Hirudo medicinalis officinalis. Along the back there are longitudinal orange bands with regularly repeated extensions. The ventral side is olive-green in color with black longitudinal stripes on the sides.

Hirudo medicinalis orientalis. Along the back there are narrow longitudinal orange bands, covered at regular intervals by black quadrangular spots. Abdominal side - black with green spots, pairwise located through the same intervals.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:anticoagulant
ATX: & nbsp
  • Heparin and its derivatives
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    Live specimens of leeches Hirudo medicinalis (leech medical) with a mass of 0.5-3.0 g, starving for at least 3 months.

    The therapeutic effect of leeches is determined by the properties of the secretion of the salivary glands, which enters the human body after biting the leech of the skin, and continues to flow throughout the blood-sucking period.

    The secret is an inhibitor of platelet-vascular hemostasis. It blocks the general adhesion and primary attachment of platelets to the surface of the collagen, which is exposed when the vascular wall is damaged. The secret blocks the aggregation of platelets. The secret of leeches inhibits the initial stages of the activation cascade of proteins of the blood coagulation system by blocking kallikrein of plasma by Hageman factor.These secretion properties determine the protective antithrombotic effect of hirudotherapy.

    The destabilase and pyogenic "prostanoids" secreted in a secret cause a thrombolytic effect when using medical leeches. Destabilase hydrolyses isopeptide bonds. The action of destabilase determines previously unknown mechanisms of fibrinolysis - isopeptidolysis. Secreted compounds of the prostanoid nature, which, like stable prostacyclin analogues, inhibit platelet aggregation and stimulate the secretion of the tissue plasminogen activator from the vascular wall.

    Systematically conducted hirudotherapy reduces the severity of atherosclerosis. The property of secretion of the salivary glands of medical leeches has been shown to reduce the proliferative capacity of smooth muscle cells of intima of large human vessels affected by atherosclerosis and cause hydrolysis of glycerol-triolate and cholesterololeate.

    The anti-inflammatory effect of the leech secret is due to its ability to block the amylolytic and kininogenase activity of human plasma kallikrein. This blocks the formation of kinins, which are mediators of inflammation.In addition, kininases found in secret, reduce the activity of bradykinin, stimulating pain, thus providing an analgesic effect. The enzyme apyrase, which cleaves the phosphoric acid residue from ATP, has an anti-inflammatory effect in the development of inflammations stimulated by ATP. An essential anti-inflammatory effect is possessed by euglins, elastase inhibitors and cathepsin G of human granulocytes.

    The secret of the salivary glands of medical leeches has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, which is determined by a symbiotic bacterium that lives in the intestinal canal of a leech.

    The secret of leeches hyaluronidase changes the permeability of tissues, the degree of their hydration, accelerates the transport of water and ions, facilitates the penetration of biologically active secret substances into the body during hirudotherapy. Increase in permeability of tissues and walls of capillaries is achieved by depolymerization and cleavage of hyaluronic acid, one of the components of the basic substance of connective tissue.

    Biologically active leech secret compounds ensure the successful use of hirudotherapy to normalize microcirculation and "engraftment"autotransplant in reconstructive surgery. Contained in secret collagenase provides resorption of scar tissue.

    The secret of medical leeches has a general nonspecific effect on the human body, as evidenced by the increase in phagocytic activity of blood neutrophils due to the effect of secret on the complement system.


    Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve, acute external otitis, acute unperforated otitis and adhesive middle otitis, diseases of the paranasal sinuses; inflammatory processes of the vascular tract, glaucoma; ischemic heart disease (in the acute stage as an adjuvant), acute coronary syndrome (after the end of heparin therapy), acute thrombophlebitis of the hemorrhoid veins, acute and chronic thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities, varicose veins; stagnation in the liver.


    Individual intolerance, anemia, hemophilia, severe arterial hypotension, pregnancy.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve - hirudotherapy should begin with the third and fourth days of treatment,after carrying out detoxication therapy with leeches in the projection of both mastoid processes, receding 1 cm from the auricles, 2-3 leeches per side, 5-9 sessions every other day. The duration of hemorrhage is not limited.

    Acute otitis externa - The location of leeches depends on the localization of the inflammatory process. If the inflammation is localized at the entrance to the auditory meatus, then the leeches are placed on the tragus and directly on the area of ​​inflammation. In the diffuse lesion of the entire ear canal, the leeches are located in the behind-the-ear area, retreating 1 cm from the place of attachment of the auricle and parallel to it. The number of leeches for 1 session is 1-3 pieces. The duration of the session is 5-7 minutes. Course - 2-4 sessions.

    Acute unperforated otitis media and adhesive otitis media - The leeches are placed on the tragus, as well as the BTE area. The number of leeches is 2-5 pieces. The duration of the session is 3-5 minutes. (At the right moment, leech with iodine or alcohol is brought to the front of the leech's body, and the leech disappears). The number of sessions with an unperforated otitis media is 2-4 sessions, with an adhesive median otitis - up to 7 sessions.

    Diseases of the paranasal sinuses - with purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, leeches are applied to the outlet sites n.supraorbitalis and / or n.intraorbitalis depending on the localization of pain. The course of treatment includes 2-4 sessions lasting 3-5 minutes. Hirudotherapy is carried out together with general and local antibiotic therapy.

    Ophthalmic diseases - leeches are placed on the skin of the temple and the mastoid process from the side of the diseased eye, usually in the number of two pieces.

    In cardiology - places for setting leeches - mastoid processes and temporal region, lateral cervical vertebrae, coccyx, heart region within the pain zones. The technique hirudotherapy - 4-8 leeches (an average of 5 pieces per session), 2-4 sessions in 2-3 days.

    Liver therapy with acute thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs: leeches are placed for 1 hour in the amount of 12-14 pieces along the vein in a staggered order at a distance of not less than 1 cm from the vein. On the course appoint from 15 to 60 pieces.

    Side effects:

    Redness and swelling of the skin, as well as skin itching at the site of sucking leeches, which pass on their own; allergic reactions.

    In places bite of leeches sometimes hyperpigmentation of the skin is observed.

    Form release / dosage:

    Leeches are medical.

    • bags, coarse (1) / ~ / - wrapping paper
    Storage conditions:At a temperature of 4-20 FROM in vessels filled with half their capacity of dechlorinated water.
    Keep out of the reach of children.
    Shelf life:

    6 months from the moment of the last feeding.

    Do not use after expiry date.

    Terms of leave from pharmacies:Without recipe
    Registration number:LSR-005897/08
    Date of registration:23.07.2008
    The owner of the registration certificate:Girudofarm, OOOGirudofarm, OOO Russia
    Manufacturer: & nbsp
    Information update date: & nbsp23.02.2016
    Illustrated instructions