Active substanceFactors of blood coagulation II, VII, IX and X in combinationFactors of blood coagulation II, VII, IX and X in combination
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    lyophilizate in / in 
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  • Prothromplex 600
    lyophilizate in / in 
    Baxter AG     Austria
  • Dosage form: & nbsplyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration


    Number per vial

    Active substances:

    Coagulation factor II

    600 ME

    Coagulation factor VII

    500 ME

    Coagulation factor IX

    600 ME

    Coagulation factor X

    600 ME

    Protein C

    not less than 400 ME

    in the form of a protein contained in a plasma

    300-750 mg


    Sodium citrate dihydrate

    80 mg

    Sodium chloride

    160 mg

    Sodium Heparin

    no more than 0.5 ME heparin / ME factor IX

    Antithrombin III

    from 15 to 30 ME

    The solvent bottle contains:

    Water for injections

    20 ml

    The activity of coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X, protein C, antithrombin III and heparin was determined in accordance with the international standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).


    The lyophilizate is white or white with a yellowish tinge powder, or a loose solid mass without foreign inclusions.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group:hemostatic agent
    ATX: & nbsp

    B.02.B.D.01   Factors of blood coagulation IX, II, VII and X in combination

    B.02.B.D   Coagulation factors


    Coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X together form a prothrombin complex. The synthesis of these factors depends on vitamin K and is carried out in the liver.

    Factor VII is a zymogen of active serine protease factor VIIa, by which an external way of blood coagulation is initiated. Fabric Factor Factor VII Complexa activates coagulation factors X and IX, resulting in the formation of factors Xa and IHa. With further activation of the coagulation stage, prothrombin (factor II) is activated and converted into thrombin. Under the influence of thrombin, fibrinogen turns into fibrin, which leads to the formation of a clot. Thrombin It is also necessary for the normal functioning of platelets and their participation in primary hemostasis.

    Deficiency of these coagulation factors is manifested by increased bleeding, hemorrhage, and in severe cases - bleeding of various locations, including retroperitoneal, cerebral, and gastrointestinal. Acquired deficiency of clotting factors is a consequence of vitamin K deficiency, which, in turn, can develop as a result of impaired synthesis or absorption.In this case, there is a deficit of all four clotting factors, as well as a natural anticoagulant protein C.

    Congenital deficiency is hereditary in nature and usually has an isolated character, that is, it is manifested by deficiency of any one coagulation factor.

    Congenital isolated factor IX deficiency is one of the classic types of hemophilia (hemophilia B). Isolated deficiency of factor VII leads to a decrease in the formation of thrombin and causes increased bleeding due to decreased fibrin formation and a violation of primary hemostasis. Isolated deficiency of factor II or factor X is very rare; with severe forms accompanied by increased bleeding, as in cases of classical hemophilia.

    The use of the human prothrombin complex drug increases the levels of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors in plasma and temporarily eliminates coagulation disorders in patients with acquired or congenital deficiency of all or one coagulation factor.


    With intravenous administration of the drug, blood levels in all four clotting factors increase, depending on the amount of the dose administered.In the course of subsequent consumption, the concentrations of the factors in the plasma gradually decrease. The shortest half-life is VII-3-5 hours. The half-life of the IX factor is 16-30 hours; II factor - 40-60 h and X factor - 30-60 h.


    Treatment and prevention of bleeding during surgery the patients with acquired deficiency of prothrombin complex factors, for example, with a deficit caused by treatment with vitamin K antagonists or their overdose, in cases where rapid correction of the deficit is required.

    Treatment and prevention of bleeding during surgery in patients with congenital deficiency of one of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, in those cases when a monocomponent preparation of a deficit clotting factor is not available.


    Hypersensitivity to the active ingredients or to any of the excipients.

    Allergy to heparin or heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in the anamnesis.


    Because of the risk of thromboembolic complications, the drug should be used with caution in patients who have a history of ischemic heart disease,myocardial infarction, liver disease, as well as in patients in the postoperative period, in newborns and in patients with a high risk of thromboembolic complications and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. In these cases it is necessary to correlate the expected benefit from the use of the drug with the risk of complications.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    The safety of the use of prothrombin complex preparations in pregnant women and lactation has not been studied.

    Animal studies are not suitable for assessing safety with respect to pregnancy, embryonic / fetal development, labor and postnatal development. Therefore, the use of Prothromplex 600 during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is possible only if there are strong indications and if the benefit from the expected effect exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and the baby.

    Dosing and Administration:


    Single dose and frequency of administration are set individually, taking into account the initial parameters of the coagulation system, localization and severity of bleeding, the clinical state of the patient.

    When appointing patients with acquired deficiency factors of the prothrombin complex, in particular, for the treatment and prevention of bleeding in case of an overdose of indirect anticoagulants, vitamin K antagonists, should be guided by the value of either Quim's prothrombin or an international normalized ratio (INR), depending on which indicator determines the laboratory.

    If you are guided by the value of prothrombin by Kviku, you should proceed from the assumption that 1 ME of the drug per 1 kg of body weight increases the value of prothrombin by about 1%.

    If the initial value of INR is taken into account, the calculation of the dose is carried out as follows (see table).

    Initial value MHO

    Single dose of the drug at a rate of 1 kg of body weight


    25 IU / kg


    35 IU / kg


    50 IU / kg

    The goal of treatment is to achieve an INR of 1.0-1.2; sometimes up to 1.5, depending on the clinical situation. The question of introducing a repeated dose of the drug should be addressed individually, taking into account the dynamics of the patient's clinical condition, concomitant therapy and the achieved value of INR.

    When appointing patients with congenital insufficiency one of the factors of the prothrombin complex, a single dose is calculated for each patient individually (see formulas for calculating the required dose), and the intervals between administrations are set depending on the value of the half-life of the deficit factor. Treatment should begin under the supervision of a physician with experience in the treatment of blood clotting disorders.

    Formulas for calculating the required dose

    factor II: dose (ME) = body weight (kg) x desired factor increase (%) x 0.5;

    factor VII: dose (ME) = body weight (kg) x desired factor increase (%) x 0.6;

    factor IX: dose (ME) = body weight (kg) x desired factor increase (%) х 1,2;

    factor X: dose (ME) = body weight (kg) x desired factor increase (%) x 0.6.

    In the case of massive surgery, careful monitoring of the level of deficient clotting factor and / or prothrombin ratio according to Kviku and correction of therapy with Prothromplex 600, depending on the dynamics of these parameters, are necessary.

    Note. The input dose of a specific factor is expressed in International units (ME), which are determined in accordance with the current WHO standard for each factor.The activity of the clotting factor in plasma is expressed either as a percentage (relative to normal plasma) or in International units (in accordance with the international standard for a particular coagulation factor).

    One International unit (ME) of clotting factor activity is equivalent to the amount in one ml of normal human plasma.

    Preparation of a solution and its introduction

    The contents of the vial with lyophilisate are dissolved immediately before administration. For this purpose it is necessary to use only the supplied kit for dissolution and administration. The reconstituted solution should be clear or slightly opalescent. Do not use the solution if it is cloudy or there are inclusions in it. Unused solution is to be disposed of in accordance with established rules.

    Preparation of the reconstituted solution:

    1. Unopened vial with solvent (water for injection) bring to room temperature (not above 37 ° C).

    2. Remove protective caps from vials with lyophilizate and with a solvent (Fig. A) and disinfect with rubber alcohol rubber stoppers on both vials.

    3. Rotate and then remove the protective packaging from one end of the transfer needle (Figure B) supplied. Puncture the rubber stopper of the vial with the solvent with this end of the needle (Figure B).

    4. Carefully remove the protective package from the other end of the transfer needle, without touching the needle itself.

    5. Turn the vial with solvent and pierce the free end of the needle to transfer the rubber stopper of the vial with the lyophilizate (Fig. D). Due to the vacuum water for injections will enter the vial with lyophilizate.

    6. Disconnect the vials by removing the needle for transfer from the vial with lyophilizate (Fig. D). For a faster dissolution of the drug, the vial can be gently rotated and shaken.

    7. To deposit the foam after completely dissolving the lyophilisate, insert the airway needle in the kit (figure E) into the vial. Remove airway needle after foam settling (see Figure 1).

    Intravenous administration

    You must follow the rules of asepsis!

    1. Turn and then remove the protective packaging from the filter needle and secure it to a sterile disposable syringe. Draw the solution into the syringe (Figure F).

    2. Disconnect the needle filter from the syringe, fix the needle-"butterfly" or disposable needle for injections on the syringe and inject the solution intravenously slowly (at a rate of no more than 2 ml / min).

    To prepare the solution of Prothromplex 600 and for its administration, use only the supplied kit for dissolution and administration.

    Side effects:

    When using the concentrates of prothrombin complex factors, there is a risk of developing thromboembolism, disseminated intravascular coagulation and hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic reactions and anaphylactic shock.

    When carrying out substitution therapy with a concentrate of prothrombin complex factors, it is possible to develop circulating antibodies that inhibit one or more coagulation factors. The appearance of inhibitors manifests itself in the form of an insufficient clinical response.

    For safety regarding infectious agents, see "Special instructions". The adverse events observed during post-marketing use of Prothromplex 600 are grouped according to organ systems and are described in terms of MedDRA (Medical Dictionary of Regulatory Activities).

    From the side circulatory and lymphatic system: disseminated intravascular coagulation; development of inhibitors of one or more coagulation factors (Factors II, VII, IX, X).

    From the immune system: anaphylactic shock, anaphylactic reactions, hypersensitivity reactions.

    From the nervous system: stroke, headache.

    From the cardiovascular system: heart failure, myocardial infarction, tachycardia; arterial thrombosis, venous thrombosis, arterial hypotension, "tides" of blood to the skin of the face.

    From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: urticaria, erythematous rashes, itchy skin.

    On the part of the respiratory, thorax, mediastinum: thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery, dyspnea, wheezing.

    From the side of the kidneys: nephrotic syndrome.

    From the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, nausea.

    General disorders: fever.

    Undesirable reactions inherent in this pharmacological class of agents

    Disorders from the skin and subcutaneous tissues: angioedema, paresthesia.

    General disorders and the condition of the site of administration: reaction at the site of administration.

    Nervous System Disorders: drowsiness.

    Disorders of the psychic sphere: anxiety.


    Cases of overdose of prothrombin complex preparations have not been described.Based on the pharmacodynamic properties of the drug, it can be assumed that possible manifestations of an overdose will be thrombotic complications.


    Preparations of the prothrombin complex neutralize the effects of vitamin K antagonists. Studies on the interaction with other drugs have not been conducted.


    Prothromple 600 can not be mixed with other drugs or solvents, except for the supplied water for injection.

    The efficacy and tolerability of the drug may be weakened by mixing it with other drugs. It is recommended to wash the venous catheter with isotonic sodium chloride solution before and after using Prothromplex 600.

    Special instructions:

    In patients with acquired deficiency of clotting factors of the prothrombin complex (for example, due to treatment with vitamin K antagonists), Prothromplex 600 is used in cases where rapid correction of factor levels is necessary, in particular, in life-threatening and severe bleeding, especially retroperitoneal, cerebral, gastrointestinal, and also in case of urgent surgical intervention.In other cases, as a rule, it is sufficient to reduce the dose of a vitamin K antagonist and / or the use of vitamin K.

    With a congenital isolated deficiency of one of the vitamin K-dependent factors, a monocomponent drug of a deficit clotting factor should be used first. Patients with congenital deficiency of coagulation factor should be consulted by a specialist who has experience in treating patients with this pathology.

    Bleeding in patients with an acquired deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors may occur with prolonged therapy or an overdose of oral indirect anticoagulants (vitamin K antagonists); with diseases of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone (cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, obstruction of the common bile duct with a stone or stricture, drainage of the common bile duct, chronic pancreatitis); in diseases of the intestine, leading to a violation of absorption of vitamin K (syndrome of the "small intestine" due to surgery, Crohn's disease); with prolonged parenteral nutrition without the addition of vitamin K; as a result of the effects of therapy with certain drugs (cefamandol, cefoperazone, rifampicin, isoniazid, barbiturates, chemotherapeutic agents, damaging the liver parenchyma); with diseases accompanied by the production of inhibitors of coagulation (lupus anticoagulant, multiple myeloma and other paraproteinemia), with acute promyelocytic leukemia, with massive blood loss.

    Multicenter clinical trials of Prothromplex 600 in children have not been performed.

    When allergic or anaphylactic reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately. In the event of shock, standard anti-shock medical measures should be provided.

    Standard measures to prevent infections resulting from the use of drugs derived from human blood or plasma include selection of donors, screening of individual donor samples and plasma pools to identify specific markers of infection, and use in the production of effective inactivation / removal processes. Despite this, with the use of drugs obtained from human blood and plasma,transmission of an infectious agent can not be completely ruled out. This also applies to unknown or new viruses and other pathogenic pathogens. The measures taken are considered effective against envelope viruses such as HIV-1/2, hepatitis B and C viruses and the hepatitis A virus-free virus. Removal and inactivation technologies used may not be effective enough for some non-enveloped viruses such as parvovirus Q19. Infection with parvovirus B19 can be dangerous for pregnant women (infection of the fetus) and patients with immunodeficiency, for patients with increased erythrocyte decay (eg, hemolytic anemia).

    With the regular use of drugs produced from human plasma, vaccination of the patient against hepatitis A and hepatitis B should be envisaged.

    Every time you administer Prothromplex 600 to a patient, you must write down the name of the drug and the number of the series in the patient's history or card.

    With repeated injections of prothrombin complex of human preparations, including Prothromplex 600, there is a risk of thrombosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation.The risk may be higher in the treatment of isolated factor VII deficiency, since other vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors with a longer half-life can accumulate to levels substantially higher than normal.

    Patients undergoing therapy with the prothrombin complex should be monitored closely for signs of intravascular coagulation or thrombosis. The monitoring of patients with coronary heart disease, liver diseases, patients with a tendency to thrombosis, newborns, as well as patients in pre- and postoperative periods is indicated. In these patients, the potential benefit of treatment should be correlated with the risk of complications.

    Laboratory tests. It should be taken into account that the preparation contains heparin, which is important when performing heparin-sensitive coagulation tests, especially when using high doses of the drug.

    Since heparin can cause allergic reactions and a decrease in the number of blood cells that affect the clotting system, the administration of heparin-containing drugs to patients should be avoided,who have a history of heparin induced allergic reactions.

    The bottle with Prothromplex 600 contains 80 mg of sodium. This should be taken into account when prescribing the drug to patients on a diet low in sodium.

    Within this expiration date, patients can store the drug at room temperature (not above 25 ° C) for 6 months. The date of storage at room temperature should be marked on the package. If the drug was stored at room temperature for 6 months, it is either administered to the patient or disposed of.

    Subsequent storage in the refrigerator is unacceptable.

    The reconstituted solution is chemically and physically stable when stored for 3 hours at a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. The reconstituted solution can not be stored in the refrigerator. Since the preparation does not contain preservatives, from the microbiological point of view the prepared solution should be used immediately.

    Effect on the ability to drive transp. cf. and fur:

    Studies to study the effect of the drug on the management of vehicles and mechanisms were not conducted.

    Form release / dosage:Lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.

    In bottles of clear, colorless glass of hydrolytic type II with a capacity of 50 ml, sealed with stoppers made of halobutyl rubber, which are fixed with aluminum caps and plastic caps like "flip off"Solvent (water for injection) of 20 ml in bottles of clear, colorless glass of hydrolytic type I and II, sealed with stoppers made of halobutyl rubber, which are fixed with aluminum caps and plastic caps like "flip off".

    One bottle with a preparation complete with one solvent bottle, transfer needle, filter needle, airway needle, disposable needle for injection and a butterfly needle along with the instruction for use are placed in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions:

    Store at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C in a dark place. Do not freeze.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life:

    3 years.

    Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

    Terms of leave from pharmacies:On prescription
    Registration number:LSR-010486/08
    Date of registration:24.12.2008
    The owner of the registration certificate:Baxter AGBaxter AG Austria
    Manufacturer: & nbsp
    Representation: & nbspBaxter Baxter USA
    Information update date: & nbsp12.09.2015
    Illustrated instructions