Edit the instructions. Gadolinium

October 26, 2017
XXI.Z00-Z13.Z03    Medical surveillance and evaluation in case of suspected disease or pathological condition
MRI, MRI with contrast, contrast agents, gadolinium

In the course of preparation of requirements to safety, efficiency of medicines based on modern scientifically grounded information about the experience of clinical application of gadolinium-containing medications used as contrast agents,it was found necessary to supplement the section "Special instructions", with a view to unifying the instructions for the use of medicinal products with the following information:

Section "Special instructions" add the following information: "When using gadolinium-containing drugs, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of accumulation of active substance in the brain and other organs, and therefore they should be used only in cases of extreme necessity, if it is not possible to carry out alternative diagnostic methods and in the lowest possible doses , allowing to obtain the required image ".