Trade names from 'sevoran®' to 'selsept®' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Liquid for inhalation.
Liquid for inhalation.

Liquid for inhalation.

VIAL, LLC Russia

Tablets, coated with enteric coating, 60 mg.


Sopharma, AO Bulgaria
Film coated tablets 300 mg.
Capsules 200 mg.
Aktavis Ltd. Iceland
Collection - powder to 2.0 g in filter bags; in a pack of cardboard for 10 or 20 filter packs. The text of the instruction manual is fully applied

Tablets containing 5 mg of diazepam.

Tablets, film-coated, 250 mg, 500 mg.

Granules for the preparation of the suspension for ingestion 125 mg / 5 ml, 250 mg / 5 ml.

Tablets 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg.
Alkaloid, JSC Macedonia
Solution for oral, topical and topical use of 20 ml in vials.

Tablets, film-coated, 800 mg.

Tablets, film-coated, 1 mg.


Tablets, film-coated, 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg.

Abbott Productions AJ Switzerland

Solution for injection 500 mg / 2 ml in vials.

Drops for oral administration homeopathic
Homeopathic pellets
sublingual homeopathic tablets

homeopathic granules

Tablets, film-coated, 18 mg.

Capsules 250 mg.