Trade names from 'selmevit ®' to 'seprotin' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

The tablets covered with a cover.

Capsules 8 mg.
Tablets 13.5 mg
Cipla Ltd. India

tablets 15.5 mg
Tablets, 13.5 mg.
Shredded leaves
Shredded leaves
Leaves ground by 35g, 50g
Leaves powder 1,5 g in filter bags
Leaves-powder of 1.5 g in filter bags
Shredded leaves 50 g each
Leaves shredded in a pack of cardboard with an inner package of 35 g, 50 g.
The leaves are crushed.
Powder leaves.
The leaves are crushed.
Leaves powder of 1.5 grams in filter bags;

Leaves powder. By 1.5 grams into the filter bags.

Solution for intramuscular administration oily, 50 mg / ml.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection, 5 mg / ml.
Drops for oral administration homeopathic
drops for oral ingestion homeopathic
Lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration of 500 ME, 1000 ME.