Ayr rootstocks + Valerian medicinal rhizomes with roots + Stinging nettle leaves + Oyster bark crust + Peppermint leaves (Rhizomata Calami + rhizomata cum radicibus Valerianae officinalis + folia Urticae dioicae + cortex Frangulae alni + folia Menthae piperitae)

Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Cholagogue and bile preparations

Appetite regulators

Included in the formulation
  • Gastric collection №3
    powdercompilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
    LEK S +, LLC     Russia
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants. inwards 
    LEK S +, LLC     Russia
  • Gastric collection №3
    powdercompilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
    FITOFARM PKF, LLC     Russia
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
  • Gastric collection №3
    powdercompilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
    LEK S +, LLC     Russia
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
    LENMEDSNAB, LLC     Russia
  • Gastric collection №3
    compilation of plants.raw materials. inwards 
  • АТХ:

    A.15   Appetizers stimulating appetite


    Has a laxative and spasmolytic effect due to anthraglycosides, saponins, tannins contained in the bark of the buckthorn, vitamins C and K, carotene, mineral salts in the blood. The effects of mint are due to the menthol included in its composition, and the rhizomes with valerian roots are the ester of borneol and isovaleric acid, organic acids, borneol, alkaloids. Rhizomes Aira are rich in acorin, essential oils and tannins.

    Pharmacokinetics:No data.

    Spastic constipation; spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

    XI.K20-K31.K22.4   Dyskinesia of the esophagus


    Acute stomach syndrome; intestinal obstruction; calculous cholecystitis; acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity; bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract; pregnancy and lactation; childhood; individual intolerance.

    Carefully:No data.
    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Action category for the fetus by FDA not determined. The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Pour 1 Art. a spoonful collecting a glass of cold water in enameled dishes, close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes.Then cool at room temperature, strain and bring the volume of the resulting broth boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1/2 cup in the morning and in the evening. Prepared broth before use shaken.

    Side effects:

    Constipation; thirst; loss of body weight; headache; cardialgia, that is, pain in the heart.

    Overdose:COLICULAR POSSIBLE stomach ache. Treatment: symptomatic.

    No data.

    Special instructions:No data.