Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

NSAIDs - Pyrazolones

Included in the formulation
  • Pentafuphen®
    pills inwards 
  • АТХ:

    N.02.B.B.72   Metamizole sodium in combination with psycholeptics


    Combined drug.


    Non-selectively suppresses COX1 and COX2, regulating the synthesis of prostaglandins. It indiscriminately suppresses synthetases of prostaglandins. Suppresses the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Violates the synthesis of arachidonic acid. Has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibits the aggregation of platelets. With long-term use has a desensitizing effect.


    Has antitussive and analgesic effect. Affects the μ-opiate receptors of the central nervous system, changes the emotional color of the pain syndrome, activates the antinociceptive (anesthetic) system, inhibits conditioned reflexes, raises the threshold of pain sensitivity, causes euphoria and drowsiness.

    Increases the tone of the vagus nerve, suppresses cough center, activates the center of the oculomotor nerve, causing a narrowing of the pupil, increases the tone of the bronchi and smooth muscle sphincters of the intestine, bladder, bile ducts, weakens intestinal motility, reduces the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Penetrates through the blood-brain and placental barrier, enters the breast milk.

    With uncontrolled admission, addiction develops and drug dependence develops.


    The alkaloid contained in coffee seeds, tea leaves, cola nuts, cocoa. Affects the content of intracellular calcium, adenosine receptors and phosphodiesterase, which destroys cAMP.

    It inhibits the phosphodiesterase of cAMP, increasing its concentration in the brain tissues. Has psychostimulant activity, increasing mental and physical performance, reducing the need for sleep and removing the feeling of fatigue.

    It stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, having an analeptic effect. It inhibits the production of prolactin and the secretion of milk.

    Metamizol sodium

    Non-selectively suppresses COX1 and COX2, regulating the synthesis of prostaglandins. It indiscriminately suppresses synthetases of prostaglandins. Suppresses the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Violates the synthesis of arachidonic acid. Has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibits the aggregation of platelets. With long-term use has a desensitizing effect.

    More analgesic effect, practically does not affect water-salt metabolism.


    Increases the level of γ-aminobutyric acid - the inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system. Activates the monooxidase enzyme system, suppresses the stimulating effect of aspartate and glutamate on the central nervous system. In low doses, it has an antispasmodic and sedative effect. In high doses exhibits anticonvulsant and hypnotic action.


    Not studied.


    It is used as an analgesic for pain syndrome with arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, neurasthenia, migraine. Used for headache and toothache, as well as for symptomatic treatment of ARVI and influenza.

    VI.G40-G47.G43.9   Migraine, unspecified

    X.J00-J06.J06.9   Acute upper respiratory tract infection, unspecified

    X.J10-J18.J11   Influenza, virus not identified

    XIII.M20-M25.M25.5   Pain in the joint

    XIII.M50-M54.M54.1   Radiculopathy

    XIII.M50-M54.M54.9   Dorsalgia, unspecified

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.1   Myalgia

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.2   Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified

    XVIII.R50-R69.R50.0   Fever with chills

    XVIII.R50-R69.R51   Headache

    XVIII.R50-R69.R52.9   Pain, unspecified


    Hepatic and renal failure, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, visual impairment (scotoma, amblyopia), oppression of hematopoiesis and respiration, hearing loss, vestibular apparatus damage, hypertension, age 12 years, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance.


    Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during remission, colitis, enteritis, gastritis, urticaria, chronic heart failure, hypothyroidism, hyperbilirubinemia, polyps of the nasal mucosa.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Recommendations for FDA - Category C. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Inside, 1 tablet 1-3 times a day.

    The highest daily dose: 4 tablets.

    The highest single dose: 1 tablet.

    Side effects:

    Central and peripheral nervous system: headache, dizziness, depression, agitation, insomnia.

    Respiratory system: bronchospasm, respiratory depression.

    Hemopoietic system: anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia.

    The cardiovascular system: tachycardia, heart failure.

    Digestive system: anorexia, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, impaired liver function.

    Dermatological reactions: Hyperhidrosis.

    Sense organs: tinnitus, hearing loss.

    Allergic reactions.


    Drowsiness, drowsiness, miosis, headache, gastralgia, depression, hallucinations, coma.

    Treatment is symptomatic, the use of a specific antidote - naloxone: intravenously, intravenously, intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously at a dose of 0.4-2 mg, repeatedly - every 2-3 minutes until a total dose of 10 mg is reached.


    Strengthens the inhibitory effect of ethanol.

    When used simultaneously with muscle relaxants, drugs that depress the central nervous system, there is an increase in sedation, suppression of the respiratory center.

    Strengthens the effects of antipsychotic and hypotensive drugs, barbiturates and tranquilizers.

    With simultaneous use with anticoagulants and antiaggregants, the risk of bleeding increases.

    Antidiarrhoeal drugs, including loperamide, contribute to the occurrence of constipation, urinary retention and the suppression of the central nervous system.

    Reduces the effects of metoclopramide, domperidone, cisapride.

    Special instructions:

    Do not use the drug for more than 5 days.

    The drug can give a positive result in the conduct of doping control.

    During the treatment it is not recommended to drive vehicles and work with moving mechanisms.
