Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


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    REMEDIYA, LLC     Russia
  • АТХ:

    A.02.A.F   Antacids in combination with drugs that reduce gassing in the intestine

    A.02.A.F.01   Magadrat and carminative preparations

    A.02.A.F.02   A simple combination of salts and carminative drugs

    Pharmacodynamics:Combined agent, the effect of which is due to the properties of its constituent components. Has antacid, adsorbing, enveloping, carminative effect.
    Magaldrate (aluminum magnesium hydroxide sulfate) neutralizes free hydrochloric acid in the stomach, without causing secondary hypersecretion of gastric juice. In connection with the increase in pH during its intake, the peptic activity of gastric juice decreases. It has an adsorbent and enveloping effect, reducing the effect of damaging factors on the gastric mucosa, binds bile acids.
    Simethicone changes the surface tension of the foam formed in the contents of the stomach and mucus of the intestine, and causes its destruction. The gases released in this way can be absorbed by the cells of the walls of the intestine or removed by peristalsis. Removes foam by physical means, without entering into chemical reactions, pharmacologically inert.
    Pharmacokinetics:Magaldrate: Absorption of aluminum and magnesium ions in the blood is low. With normal kidney function, the concentration of aluminum and magnesium in the blood does not change. In patients with chronic renal insufficiency, the content of aluminum and magnesium in the blood can rise to toxic values ​​as a result of disruption of their excretion.
    Simethicone: due to pharmacological and chemical inertness after oral administration is not absorbed into organs and tissues. After passing through the gastrointestinal tract, it is excreted unchanged in the intestine.

    Symptoms associated with increased acidity of gastric juice and reflux esophagitis: heartburn; belching "sour taste"; pain in the stomach (appearing irregularly); feeling of overflow or heaviness in the epigastric region; flatulence; dyspepsia, including those caused by inaccuracy in diet, drug use, alcohol abuse, coffee, nicotine.

    XI.K20-K31.K21.0   Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis

    XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

    XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

    XVIII.R10-R19.R10.1   Pain localized in the upper abdomen

    XVIII.R10-R19.R12   Heartburn

    XVIII.R10-R19.R14   Meteorism and related conditions

    Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to components of drugs; severe renal insufficiency; hypophosphatemia; children under 12 years.
    Carefully:With renal insufficiency (prolonged reception may lead to an increase in the blood plasma levels of magnesium and aluminum); Alzheimer's disease; with a low phosphate content in food (risk of developing phosphate deficiency).
    Pregnancy and lactation:Action category for the fetus by FDA - AT
    There were no controlled clinical studies in pregnant women, however, in pre-clinical studies, there was no teratogenic effect. Due to the lack of clinical experience, use during pregnancy is only possible in cases where the benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. Avoid prescribing during pregnancy in high doses and for a long time.
    When taking a combination of magdalate with simethicone, there is no need to stop breastfeeding.
    Dosing and Administration:Inside adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, 1-2 tablets (800/40 mg), unless advised otherwise by a doctor, a short time after a meal. If necessary, the reception can be repeated after 2 hours. The maximum daily dose of 6400/320 mg (for tablets 400/20 mg - 16 tablets, for tablets 800/40 mg - 8 tablets).
    Side effects:Allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, taste disorders, constipation, diarrhea.
    With long-term admission in high doses - hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypercalciuria, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, hypermagnesia, hyperaluminia, encephalopathy, nephrocalcinosis, renal dysfunction.
    In patients with concomitant renal failure - a sense of thirst, lowering blood pressure, hyporeflexia.
    Overdose:With prolonged intake of high doses, kidney stones, constipation, drowsiness, hypermagnesia are possible. There may also be signs of metabolic alkalosis: mood lability, numbness or muscle pain, nervousness and fatigue, unpleasant gustatory sensations.
    Treatment: take measures to quickly remove the drug - rinse the stomach, induce vomiting, take Activated carbon.
    Interaction:Reduces and slows the absorption of digoxin, indomethacin, salicylates, chlorpromazine, phenytoin, H2-histamin blockers, beta-adrenoblockers, isoniazid, tetracycline antibiotics, quinolones (ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin.enoxacin, etc.), azithromycin, cefpodoxime, rifampicin, penicillamine, indirect anticoagulants, barbiturates, fexofenadine, dipyridamole, zalcitabine, bile acids (chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic), iron and lithium preparations, quinidine, lansoprazole, mexlegine, ketoconazole.
    M-holinoblokatory, slowing the emptying of the stomach, strengthen and prolong the action of a combination of magdrate with simethicone.
    Special instructions:If it is necessary to use a combination of magdrate with simethicone and other drugs, the interval should not be less than 1-2 hours. If you take long-term intake, you should ensure sufficient intake of phosphorus with food. With mild and moderate renal dysfunction, regular monitoring of the content of aluminum, calcium, phosphates in the blood plasma is necessary.
    Magaldrate +Simethicone does not have a negative impact on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
