Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Other synthetic antibacterial agents

Synthetic antibacterial agents

Included in the formulation
  • Tagera
    pills inwards 
  • АТХ:

    J.01.X.X   Other antibacterial drugs

    J.01.X   Other antibacterial drugs


    Penetration of anaerobes or microaerophiles into the interior, activation by reduction of the nitro group. The nitro group takes the electron away from ferrodoxine (a protein of microorganisms with a high reduction ability) and turns into a highly reactogenic free radical that damages the microbe's DNA. After DNA oxidation, the radical is again reduced to the nitro group, the cycle is repeated many times. Oxygen competes with the drug for ferrodoxin, so the latter is most active under anaerobic conditions.


    After ingestion, well (about 80%) is absorbed. Cmax is created after 4 hours. Biotransformed in the liver. The half-life is about 20 hours. Passes through the placental barrier and is secreted into breast milk. It is withdrawn slowly, mainly with urine.


    Urethritis and vaginitis caused by Trichomonas; amebiasis of the intestine and liver, giardiasis.

    I.A50-A64.A59.9   Trichomoniasis, unspecified

    I.A50-A64.A59.8   Trichomoniasis of other sites

    I.A50-A64.A59.0   Urogenital trichomoniasis

    I.A50-A64.A59   Trichomoniasis

    I.A00-A09.A06.9   Amebiasis, unspecified

    I.A00-A09.A06.7   Cutaneous amebiasis

    I.A00-A09.A06.2   Amoebic nondisenteric colitis

    I.A00-A09.A06.1   Chronic intestinal amebiasis

    I.A00-A09.A06.0   Acute amoebic dysentery

    I.A00-A09.A06   Amebiasis

    I.A00-A09.A07.1   Giardiosis (giardiasis)


    Hypersensitivity (including to other imidazole derivatives), pathological changes in the blood formula (including in the history), organic diseases of the central nervous system (active stage), pregnancy, breast-feeding. Children up to 3 years old, and also with a body weight of less than 16 kg.


    In hepatic amebiasis treatment should be combined with the removal of pus from the abscess.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    FDA recommendation category B: e.g. in experiments on animals, no adverse effect on the fetus has been identified, and adequate controlled studies have not been conducted in pregnant women.

    Application in the first trimester is prohibited, in the remaining - with caution. When lactation is prohibited.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Inside before eating, squeezed with a little water or mixing with semi-liquid food.

    Urethritis and vaginitis: 2 g once.

    Amoebiasis of the intestine, giardiasis: once, for adults - 2 g, for children - 30 mg / kg.

    Liver amebiasis: within 5 days, adults - 1.5 g / day, children - 30 mg / kg / day (once or several times).

    Side effects:

    Disturbance of digestion, nausea, pain in the stomach, metallic taste in the mouth, glossitis, stomatitis, leukopenia, urticaria; rarely - dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, ataxia, paresthesia, polyneuropathy.


    Treatment: if necessary, conduct symptomatic therapy. There is no specific antidote.


    When combined application secnidazole potentiates the anticoagulant effect of warfarin and increases the risk of bleeding due to decreased hepatic catabolism of the anticoagulant. In such cases, it is recommended to more often determine PV, monitor MHO and, if necessary, adjust the dose of warfarin throughout the course of therapy with secnidazole, and also for another 8 days after the end of therapy.

    Sequinazole is not recommended to combine with vecuronium bromide.

    With the combined use of secnidazole with disulfiram possible development of psychotic reactions, the state of confusion.

    With the simultaneous use of secnidazole with ethanol, it is possible to develop a disulfiram-like reaction (hot flushes to the face, vomiting, tachycardia). During the treatment with secnidazole, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol.

    Special instructions:

    Seknidazole should not be given to patients who have a history of a blood disorder.

    During the period of application of the drug, moderate reversible leukopenia is possible; the number of white blood cells is restored after cessation of treatment.
