Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antiseptics and disinfectants

Local Anesthetics

Included in the formulation
  • Anti-Angin® Formula
    pills n / az. 
    VALEANT, LLC     Russia
  • VALEANT, LLC     Russia
  • АТХ:

    R.02.A.A.20   Other drugs

    R.02.A   Drugs for the treatment of throat diseases

    Pharmacodynamics:Combined drug with antimicrobial and local anesthetic action. Antibacterial activity is provided by the antiseptic ingredient chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on the causative agents of infectious diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Corynebacterium spp., Haemophilus Influenzae, Klebsiella spp.). Chlorhexidine is also effective in candidomycosis.

    Local anesthetic effect is manifested by local anesthetic tetracaine. Anesthesia occurs 1-2 min after application.

    Ascorbic acid increases the nonspecific resistance of the organism to infectious diseases, strengthens immune responses and reduces the permeability of capillaries, thereby contributing to the reduction of inflammation and edema of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx.

    Pharmacokinetics:Due to low systemic absorption, pharmacokinetics data are not available.

    Indications:Prevention and treatment: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx (gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, the initial stage of angina, periodontitis,a condition after an extraction of a tooth or a tonsillectomy), not accompanied by a fever, education aft or disturbance of integrity of a mucosa of an oral cavity and pharynx.

    X.J00-J06.J02   Acute pharyngitis

    X.J00-J06.J03   Acute tonsillitis

    XI.K00-K14.K05   Gingivitis and periodontal disease

    XI.K00-K14.K05.4   Periodontal disease

    XI.K00-K14.K12   Stomatitis and related lesions

    • Hypersensitivity.
    • Allergic reactions to local anesthetics and chlorhexidine in the anamnesis.
    • Children's age (up to 5-6 years).
    • Pregnancy (first trimester).

    Carefully:Pregnancy (II-III trimester), lactation.

    Pregnancy and lactation:It is not recommended to use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Use in the II-III trimesters of pregnancy and lactation only after consultation with a doctor.

    Action category for the fetus by FDA - B (for chlorhexidine) / C (for tetracaine).

    Dosing and Administration:Locally in the form of tablets or pastilles (keep in your mouth until completely dissolved). Adults and children older than 10-15 years - 4-6 pieces per day with an interval of 2 hours, children from 5-6 to 10-15 years - 2-3 pieces per day with an interval of 4 hours.

    Side effects:In isolated cases, allergic reactions, skin rashes. Exceeding the recommended regimen and term of therapy can cause staining and damage to tooth enamel, short-term taste disturbance

    Overdose:No data.

    Interaction:Clinically significant interaction with drugs of other groups was not revealed. Chlorhexidine is not compatible with detergents containing an anionic group. A simultaneous intake of several local antiseptics is not recommended. Do not use simultaneously with iodine containing products.

    Special instructions:The use of more than 5 days is undesirable because of possible disruption of the normal microflora of the oral cavity and pharynx. In case of worsening or lack of improvement of health after 5 days, it is necessary to determine the expediency of further use of the drug. Ascorbic acid can change the results of some laboratory tests, which should be reported during the analysis.

    After taking it is not recommended to eat, drink, brush your teeth for 1-2 hours.

    Take care with athletes. Active components of the drug can cause a positive reaction in the tests of anti-doping control.

    Does not affect the ability to drive and other mechanisms.
