Trade names from 'beclomethasone-aeronaut' to 'benacap' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Aerosol for inhalation dosed, 50 mcg / dose, 100 mcg / dose, 250 mcg / dose.

The aerosol for inhalation is dosed at 50 μg / dose, 100 μg / dose and 250 μg / dose.

Tablets, film-coated, 120 mg and 180 mg.

Tablets, film-coated, 2 mg + 0.03 mg.

Drops for oral administration.
homeopathic granules
Pills. 10 tablets per contour cell pack. 1, 2 or 3 contour packagings together with instructions for use
The tablets covered with a cover.
The tablets covered with a cover.
Cream for external use.

Ointment for external use.

Cream for external use, 0.05%.
Ointment for external use, 0.05%.

Spray for external use, 0.05%.

Ointment for external use.

Solution for external use.

Tablets, film-coated, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg.
Nasal drops, 0.05%.