Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Guttalax®
    pills inwards 
  • Guttalax®
    drops inwards 
  • Guttasil
    drops inwards 
    FARMAK, PAO     Ukraine
  • Laxigal-Teva
    drops inwards 
  • Picodinar
    drops inwards 
    GROTEKS, LLC     Russia
  • Regulax® Picosulphate
    drops inwards 
  • Slabicap
    drops inwards 
    SYNTHESIS, OJSC     Russia
  • Slabilen
    pills inwards 
    VEROPHARM SA     Russia
  • Slabilen
    drops inwards 
    LENS-PHARM, LLC     Russia
  • АТХ:

    A.06.A.B.08   Sodium picosulphate


    Strengthens peristalsis, as a result of accelerated the movement of intestinal contents and decreases the absorption of electrolytes and water. The laxative effect develops 6-12 hours after ingestion.


    Absorption for oral and rectal administration is minimal. Biotransformation by intestinal and bacterial enzymes into the active metabolite. Elimination by the kidneys and with feces.


    - constipation of various etiologies (hypotension and flaccid peristalsis of the colon with a change in the nature of nutrition, during pregnancy, after surgery, with prolonged bed rest, metabolic disorders, obesity);

    - hemorrhoids, proctitis and anal fissures;

    - preparation for surgical operations, radiology or endoscopy gastrointestinal tract, urography, radiography of the lumbosacral spine.

    IX.I80-I89.I84   Hemorrhoids

    XI.K55-K63.K59.0   Constipation

    XI.K55-K63.K60   Fissure and fistula of the anus and rectum area

    XXI.Z40-Z54.Z51.4   Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified


    - individual intolerance;

    - intestinal obstruction;

    - strangulated hernia;

    - acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity;

    - peritonitis;

    - abdominal pain of unknown origin;

    - severe dehydration;

    - bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;

    - uterine bleeding;

    - cystitis;

    - spastic constipation;

    - children's age (up to 4 years);

    - pregnancy (I trimester).



    Pregnancy and lactation:

    The category of FDA recommendations is not defined. Contraindicated during the first trimester. With caution during breastfeeding.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Preparation for colorectal surgery - 10 mg a day before surgery, in the morning and after noon.

    Purification of the intestine - inside, the initial dose of 10 drops (5-10 mg) before bedtime, an average of 12-24 drops, with heavy and persistent constipation up to 30 drops. The onset of laxative action (if ingested) after 6-12 hours.

    Side effects:

    Rarely: allergic reactions, electrolyte disorders, intestinal colic.

    Digestive system: nausea, vomiting.

    Others: skin rash, weakness.

    Long-term admission: eructation, diarrhea, nausea, rectal irritation (proctitis with rectal administration), electrolyte disorders (hypokalemia), intestinal atony.


    When an overdose is observed liquid stools and paroxysmal pain in the abdomen. Treatment: gastric lavage, correction of water-electrolyte balance disorders, spasmolytic preparations.


    Antibiotics of a wide spectrum reduce the laxative effect.

    Diuretics, glucocorticoids provoke a risk of electrolyte disorders.

    Special instructions:

    It is not recommended to use more than 10 days without medical supervision.
