Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Agiflux
    pills inwards 
  • Almagel®
    suspension inwards 
    AKTAVIS, LTD.     Russia
  • Alumag®
    pills inwards 
    GEDEON RICHTER, OJSC     Hungary
  • Gastracid®
    pills inwards 
    VALEANT, LLC     Russia
  • Maalox®
    suspension inwards 
  • Maalox®
    pills inwards 
  • Maalox® mini
    suspension inwards 
  • Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):




    A.02.A.X   Antacids in combination with other drugs


    Neutralization of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, increasing pH and decreased activity of pepsin. Has no effect on the production of hydrochloric acid.

    The drug rendersTotal protective effect:

    - binds mucosal damaging agents (bile acids, cytotoxins, lysolecithin);

    - stimulates protective factors (activation of the synthesis of prostaglandins and glycoproteins, stimulation of bicarbonate secretion and protective mucopolysaccharide mucus). Besides antacid, the drug has an adsorbent and enveloping effect.


    Absorption is low, eliminated mainly through the gastrointestinal tract. The residence time in the stomach is approximately 1 hour.


    Symptomatic treatment of conditions and diseases associated with a violation of the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the treatment of diseases accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

    IV.E70-E90.E83.3   Disorders of phosphorus metabolism

    XI.K20-K31.K20   Esophagitis

    XI.K20-K31.K21.0   Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis

    XI.K20-K31.K25   Stomach ulcer

    XI.K20-K31.K26   Duodenal ulcer

    XI.K20-K31.K29.1   Other acute gastritis

    XI.K20-K31.K29.6   Other gastritis

    XI.K20-K31.K29.8   Duodenitis

    XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

    XI.K40-K46.K44   Diaphragmatic hernia

    XI.K80-K87.K85   Acute pancreatitis

    XI.K80-K87.K86.1   Other chronic pancreatitis

    XVIII.R10-R19.R10.1   Pain localized in the upper abdomen

    XVIII.R10-R19.R12   Heartburn

    XXI.Z70-Z76.Z72.4   Unacceptable food intake and bad eating habits


    Allergy to the components of the drug; pregnancy; chronic kidney disease; Alzheimer's disease; hypophosphatemia; early childhood (up to 1 month).

    Carefully:Appendicitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, ileostomy, colostomy, chronic diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, children under 12 years.
    Pregnancy and lactation:This drug is not classified FDA. It is not recommended to appoint for longer than 3 days during pregnancy.Avoid prescribing to nursing mothers.

    Adequate and well-controlled studies in humans have not been carried out, however, in some cases, increased tendon reflexes in newborns whose mothers took the drug for a long time were noted. In addition, newborns are at risk of developing hypermagnesemia, especially when dehydrated, so prolonged use of the drug in pregnant and newborns is not recommended.

    Dosing and Administration:

    With diseases of the intestine - orally before meals, with diseases of the stomach - after.

    Take 5-10 ml 3-4 times a day before / after meals (depending on the disease) and before bedtime.

    If necessary, admissions of the drug in additional doses (pain syndrome).

    Also, one-time prophylactic reception is possible before the irritating effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Duration of admission - no more than two weeks. Further reception is possible only after consultation of the doctor.

    Children under 12 years - with caution.

    Children 12-18 years old - 10-20 ml per day.

    Side effects:

    From the digestive system: constipation, changes in taste, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

    From the laboratory indicators: with prolonged use in high doses - an increase in the concentration of aluminum in the blood, hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia, hypermagnesia,

    From the urinary system: kidney failure; with prolonged admission in high doses - hypercalciuria, renal dysfunction, nephrocalcinosis. When taking on a background of kidney failure, it is possible to lower blood pressure, thirst, hyporeflexia.

    Other: at long reception in high doses encephalopathy, an osteoporosis, an osteomalacia, allergic reactions are possible.


    Not described, treatment is symptomatic.


    Blockers H2-receptors - their absorption decreases with simultaneous admission with the drug in medium or high doses.

    Ketoconazole - decreases the absorption of ketaconazole by increasing pH in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to divide the intake of the drug and ketoconazole by at least three hours.

    Mekamylamine - the suction rate decreases and its effect is prolonged, simultaneous appointment is not recommended.

    Methenamine - oppression of transformation into formaldehyde due to alkalinization of urine reduces its effectiveness, simultaneous appointment is not recommended.

    Vitamins of the group D - with simultaneous admission, there is a risk of hypermagnetism, especially in patients with chronic kidney disease.

    Pancreolipase - decreased activity in a joint admission.

    Sodium fluoride - complexes are formed, joint reception is not recommended.

    Preparations of iron - reduced absorption.

    Salicylates - with simultaneous admission with the drug, excretion increases, dosage adjustment is necessary.

    Amphetamines, quinidines - oppression of their renal excretion, due to which the toxicity increases. A dose adjustment is necessary.

    Tetracyclines - forms insoluble complexes with the drug, co-administration is not recommended.

    Holinoblokatory - reducing absorption, lengthening and strengthening the effect of the drug, delineation of the time taken not less than 1 hour.

    Fluoroquinolones - the drug reduces and slows their absorption, with joint admission, it is necessary to monitor urine and kidney status.

    Phenytoin - a decrease in absorption, the interval between taking the drug and phenytoin for at least 2-3 hours.

    Sucralfate - the risk of aluminum intoxication with renal insufficiency; in connection with the specific mechanism of action, the time interval between doses should be at least 1 hour.

    Ammonium chloride, ascorbic acid, potassium and sodium phosphate, racemetionineρ and other means, acidifying urine, - the effectiveness of these drugs decreases due to alkalinization of urine when taking an antacid.

    Sodium resin polystyrene sulfonate - alkalosis is possible, joint reception is not recommended.

    Special instructions:

    The dose of the drug should be selected by the doctor individually, in accordance with the indicators of the patient's secretory activity.

    In the presence of chronic kidney diseases, concentration control is necessary Mg2+, Ca2+, Al3+ and phosphates in the blood.

    There is information about an increase in the level of secretion of gastrin in the appointment of antacids.

    It is not recommended to take high doses of the drug for more than two weeks.

    Acidoneutralizing ability decreases with the use of protein-rich foods.
