Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antiseptics and disinfectants

Included in the formulation

R.02.A.A   Antiseptics

D.08.A.X   Other antiseptics and disinfectants

D.08.A   Antiseptics and disinfectants

D.08   Antiseptics and disinfectants


Has antimicrobial, astringent, cauterizing properties. During dissociation, silver ions cause the precipitation of proteins and cause bactericidal action. Interacts with tissue proteins, which leads to the formation of silver albumin. Then metal silver is recovered from the albumin, which interacts with the active groups of the enzymes, blocks them, thereby disrupting the metabolic processes in the microbial cell. At small concentrations of silver ions, only the precipitation of interstitial proteins occurs and astringent and anti-inflammatory effects occur. In high concentrations, silver ions cause damage to cell membranes and intracellular structures, providing a cauterizing effect (friable albumins are formed).


Not studied.


With purulent wounds, with diseases of the urinary system, to treat purulent conjunctivitis and blenorei, with erysipelas, lymphangitis, soft chancre.

I.A50-A64.A57   Shankroyd

I.A50-A64.A57   Shankroyd

VII.H10-H13.H10.4   Chronic conjunctivitis

VII.H10-H13.H10.0   Muco-purulent conjunctivitis

VII.H10-H13.H10   Conjunctivitis

I.B25-B34.B30.9   Viral conjunctivitis, unspecified

I.B25-B34.B30.8   Other viral conjunctivitis (H13.1 *)

I.B25-B34.B30.3   Acute epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (enterovirus) (H13.1 *)

I.A70-A74.A74.0   Chlamydial conjunctivitis (H13.1 *)

IX.I80-I89.I89.1   Lymphangitis

II.D10-D36.D18.1   Lymphangioma of any site

I.A30-A49.A46   Erys

I.A30-A49.A46   Erys

XIV.N30-N39.N37.0 *   Urethritis in diseases classified elsewhere

XIV.N30-N39.N34.2   Other urethritis

XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

Contraindications:Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation.

Children under 6 years.

Pregnancy and lactation:

The category of FDA recommendations is not defined.

Qualitative controlled studies in animals and humans were not conducted. Do not apply. There is no information on the penetration into breast milk. For the duration of treatment, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Dosing and Administration:

A 0.2-1% solution is used to wash purulent wounds; 1-2% solution - for washing the bladder with chronic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), with urethritis (inflammation of the urethra).

2-3-5% solution in the form of eye drops are used to treat purulent conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye) and blenorei (acute purulent inflammation of the outer shell of the eyes).With erysipelas, lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels), soft chancre, 15% ointment is prescribed for rubbing - for adults 3 g, for children 1 g 4 times a day.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.


Not described.


Incompatible with zinc sulfate in combination Diphenhydramine + naphazoline + zinc sulfate, boric acid + zinc sulfate.

Special instructions:

In connection with the availability of more effective antibacterial agents, silver preparations of wide application do not currently have.
