Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Dermatotropona funds

Included in the formulation
  • Adaclin
    cream externally 
  • Adolen®
    gel externally 
    VELFARM, LLC     Republic of San Marino
  • Differin®
    gel externally 
  • Differin®
    cream externally 
  • Clenzite
    gel externally 
  • Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):



    D.10.A.D.   Preparations for the treatment of acne for external use containing retinoids

    D.10.A.D.03   Adapalen


    Derivat of naphthoic acid (0.1% of active substance) has an effect similar to retinol-provitamin A. It reacts with nuclear proteins, triggering the mechanism of differentiation of keratocytes. Reduction in the activity of the formation of comedones occurs due to the normalization of the cellular composition of the follicles of the skin. Naphthoic acid acts milder than retinoid acid, so the use of adapalene does not cause hyperplasia of epidermal cells and skin irritation.

    Positive effect occurs after 1-2 weeks of treatment. The clinical efficacy of the drug is noted after 8-12 weeks of use.


    At local application the preparation is absorbed weakly and practically does not render resorptive action.


    Used to treat comedones, draining acne, with papulopustular eruptions. Positive effect occurs after a long treatment - up to 9 months.

    XII.L60-L75.L70   Acne


    Individual sensitivity to adapalene.


    With inflammatory phenomena (dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea), the gel should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Pregnancy and lactation - the category of action on the fetus by FDA - FROM.

    There is no evidence of a teratogenic effect of the drug, and it is also not known whether adapalen in breast milk.

    Dosing and Administration:

    When papulopustular eruptions apply 0.1% gel.

    To treat acne is more effective gel 0.3%.

    The drug is applied to dry clean skin once a day before bedtime. The gel is applied with light massage movements in a thin layer - increasing the thickness of the preparation does not increase the clinical effect. It is recommended to avoid applying adapalene on the mucous membranes (lips and conjunctiva).

    Use in children from 1 month to 2 years: externally once a day at night with acne of mild and moderate severity.

    Side effects:Dry skin, itching, congestion.
    Overdose:Not described.

    Simultaneous use of the drug with local antibacterial agents (erythromycin, clindamycin), alcohol-containing substances (perfumery) can cause the phenomenon of photosensitization and skin irritation. It is recommended to maintain a 12-hour time interval between the use of these funds.

    Special instructions:

    When complex treatment of acne is recommended the use of other drugs (antibacterial, astringent) in the morning, and application of adapalene on the skin - in the evening.

    The mechanism of action of the drug is similar to tretinoin.

    Eliminates telangiectasia, like the metronidazole gel, with the same efficiency relieves the symptoms of inflammation.

    Severe forms of acne require combined therapy, and the combination of adapalene with doxycycline is significantly more effective than antibiotic monotherapy.

    With the use of 0.1% gel or cream adapalena, skin irritation is much less common than with treatment with trithionine (0.025% cream) and tazarotene (0.05% gel and 0.1% cream).

    It is not recommended to use the drug in the morning, because adapalen has a photosensitizing effect.
