Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Breathing stimulators

Included in the formulation
  • Thoracic Elixir
    elixir inwards 
  • Thoracic Elixir
    elixir inwards 
    VIFITEH, CJSC     Russia
  • Thoracic Elixir
    elixir inwards 
  • Thoracic Elixir
    elixir inwards 
  • АТХ:

    R.07.A.B   Respiratory stimulants


    The expectorant effect of the thoracic elixir is due to the action of its constituent components:

    - Licorice extract has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties that are associated with glycyrrhizin, stimulating the activity of ciliated epithelium in the trachea and bronchi, and also enhancing the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;

    - Anise oil has an expectorant effect due to the oil content of anethole, which contributes to reflex excitation of respiration

    - ammonia It has an irritating effect which leads to a reflex stimulation of the center of respiration.


    No data.


    Diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by the formation of a difficult secret: tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma,cystic fibrosis, pneumonia.

    X.J00-J06.J04.1   Acute tracheitis

    X.J00-J06   Acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract

    X.J20-J22.J22   Acute respiratory infection of lower respiratory tract, unspecified

    X.J30-J39.J37.1   Chronic laryngotracheitis

    X.J30-J39.J39.9   Disease of upper respiratory tract, unspecified

    X.J40-J47.J40   Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic

    X.J40-J47.J44.9   Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified

    XVIII.R00-R09.R05   Cough


    Hypersensitivity. With caution in diseases of the liver, alcoholism, TBI, brain diseases, in childhood.


    Diseases of the liver, alcoholism, TBI, brain disease, children's age.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Contraindications in pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Inside, 3-4 times a day. Adults - 20-40 drops, children are prescribed to take as many drops as the child's age. Before use, dilute in a small amount of water.

    The course of treatment is 7-10 days. An increase in the duration and conduct of repeated courses of treatment is possible on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions are possible, in some cases, diarrhea may occur.


    Symptoms: with prolonged use with excess of the indicated dosages hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, the appearance of peripheral edema due to a violation of water-salt metabolism. Treatment: symptomatic.


    If necessary, can be used in combination with antibiotics and other drugs. Do not use simultaneously with antitussive drugs, tk. this makes it difficult to cough up thinned phlegm.

    Special instructions:

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potential hazardous activities. During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potential hazardous activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
