Trade names from 'Corvalol' ​​to 'Cordiamin' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Drops for oral administration.

Drops for oral administration.
Tablets, 0.58 mg + 14.00 mg + 8.20 mg and 1.16 mg + 28.00 mg + 16.40 mg.

Drops for oral administration.

Tablets of 4 mg.

Tablets, 50 mg.

Tablets, 100 mg.
Solution for intravenous administration 0.6 mg / ml.
Solution for intravenous administration 0.6 mg / ml.
Solution for intravenous administration 50 mg / ml.

Tablets 200 mg.

The tablets of the prolonged action covered with a film cover of 20 mg.

Tablets, coated with a coating, 10 mg.

Controlled-release tablets coated with a coating, 40 mg.

Tablets 5 mg, 10 mg.

Aktavis, AO Iceland

Drops for ingestion 250 mg / ml.

Solution for injection 250 mg / ml to 1 ml or 2 ml in the ampoule.

Drops for oral administration 25%.

Drops for oral administration.