Trade names from 'St. John's wort' to 'Zedex' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Tincture. To 25 ml in bottles of orange glass.

Grass shredded to 50 grams in a pack of cardboard with an inner paper bag.

Grass - a powder of 1.5 grams in a filter bag.

St. John's wort herb crushed with 20 grams, 30 grams, 50 grams, 70 grams and 100 grams in packs of cardboard.

Grass powder for 1.5 grams in a filter bag.

Grass powder. For 1.5 g in the filter bags.

Powder and cut-pressed grass for 1.5 grams in filter bags.

Grass crushed in 35g, 50g, 75g in cardboard packs with an inner bag of paper, polypropylene or polyethylene.

Grass powder by 1.5 grams into the filter bags.

Grass shredded to 50 grams, 75 grams in a pack of cardboard with an inner package.

Grass shredded to 50 grams in a pack of cardboard with an inner paper bag.

Grass shredded to 50 grams in a pack of cardboard with an internal paper, polymer or polypropylene package.

St. John's Wort Herb Powder 1.5 grams per filter pack.

Grass crushed. 50 grams per pack of cardboard with an inner paper bag or with an inner bag of polypropylene.

30 grams, 35 grams, 40 grams, 50 grams, 60 grams, 75 grams, 100 grams of crushed grass in packs of cardboard with an inner package.

Grinded grass for 50 grams in a pack of cardboard with an inner paper bag.

Grass shredded to 50 grams in a pack of cardboard with an inner paper bag.

Grass crushed for 35 g, 50 g in a pack of cardboard with an inner package.

Grass is a powder of 1.5 g in filter bags.

Grass powder. By 1.5 grams into the filter bags.

1,5 g of powder in filter bags.

Raw cut vegetable-pressed.

Grass crushed 35 grams, 50 grams in a pack, cardboard with an inner paper bag.

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