Non-proprietary names from 'polypeptides' to 'procaine' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

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V.F00-F09.F06.6   Organic emotional labile [asthenic] disorder

V.F80-F89.F80   Specific disorders of speech and language development

V.F80-F89.F81   Specific developmental disorders of teaching skills

VI.G00-G09.G04   Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis

VI.G40-G47.G40.9   Epilepsy, unspecified

IX.I60-I69.I63   Cerebral infarction

IX.I60-I69.I67.9   Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified

IX.I60-I69.I69.3   Consequences of a cerebral infarction

XVIII.R40-R46.R41.3   Other amnesia

XVIII.R50-R69.R53   Malaise and fatigue

XVIII.R50-R69.R62.0   Delayed stages of development

XIX.S00-S09.S06   Intracranial injury

It is part of:

I.A30-A49.A49.2   Infection caused by Haemophilus influenza, unspecified

XXI.Z20-Z29.Z23.8   The need for immunization against another single bacterial disease

It is part of:

    I.A50-A64.A60   Anogenital herpetic viral infection [herpes simplex]

    I.A50-A64.A63.0   Anogenital (venereal) warts

    I.A80-A89.A84   Tick-borne viral encephalitis

    I.B00-B09.B00   Infections caused by the herpes simplex virus [herpes simplex]

    I.B00-B09.B00.5   Herpetic eye disease

    I.B00-B09.B00.9   Herpetic infection, unspecified

    I.B00-B09.B02.3   Shingles with eye complications

    I.B25-B34.B25   Cytomegalovirus

    I.B95-B97.B97.7   Papillomaviruses as a cause of diseases classified elsewhere

    I.B99   Other infectious diseases

    III.D80-D89.D84.9   Immunodeficiency, unspecified

    VI.G60-G64.G63.0 *   Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere

    X.J00-J06.J06   Acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple and unspecified sites

    X.J10-J18.J11   Influenza, virus not identified

    XI.K20-K31.K25   Stomach ulcer

    XI.K20-K31.K26   Duodenal ulcer

    XIII.M05-M14.M06.9   Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified

    XIV.N40-N51.N41.1   Chronic prostatitis

    XV.O20-O29.O26.2   Medical care for a woman with a habitual miscarriage of pregnancy

    It is part of:

    I.A30-A49.A40   Streptococcal septicemia

    I.A30-A49.A41   Other septicemia

    IV.E70-E90.E86   Reduction of the volume of the liquid

    XVIII.R50-R69.R57.0   Cardiogenic shock

    XVIII.R50-R69.R57.1   Hypovolemic shock

    XVIII.R50-R69.R57.8   Other types of shock

    XIX.T79.T79.1   Fat embolism (traumatic)

    XIX.T79.T79.4   Traumatic shock

    XXI.Z80-Z99.Z94   Presence of transplanted organs and tissues

    It is part of:

      XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

      XI.K80-K87.K81.1   Chronic cholecystitis

      XI.K80-K87.K82.8   Other specified diseases of the gallbladder

      It is part of:

      II.C81-C96.C90.0   Multiple myeloma

      It is part of:

      XVI.P20-P29.P22   Breathing disorder in a newborn [distress]

      It is part of:

      IV.E70-E90.E78.2   Mixed hyperlipidemia

      IV.E70-E90.E78.5   Hyperlipidemia, unspecified

      IX.I20-I25.I25   Chronic ischemic heart disease

      It is part of:

      I.B65-B83.B65   Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]

      I.B65-B83.B66.0   Opisthorchiasis

      I.B65-B83.B66.1   Clonorchosis

      I.B65-B83.B66.3   Fasciolus

      I.B65-B83.B66.4   Paragonymosis

      I.B65-B83.B66.5   Fasciolopsidosis

      I.B65-B83.B66.8   Invasions caused by other flukes

      I.B65-B83.B68   Teniosis

      I.B65-B83.B69   Cysticercosis

      I.B65-B83.B69.0   Cysticercosis of the central nervous system

      I.B65-B83.B70.0   Diphyllobothriasis

      I.B65-B83.B71.0   Hymenolepidosis

      It is part of:

      II.D10-D36.D35.0   Benign neoplasm of the adrenal gland

      IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

      IX.I30-I52.I50.0   Congestive heart failure

      IX.I70-I79.I73.0   Raynaud's syndrome

      XIV.N40-N51.N40   Hyperplasia of the prostate

      It is part of:

        VI.G20-G26.G20   Parkinson's disease

        VI.G20-G26.G21   Secondary Parkinsonism

        It is part of:

        IX.I20-I25.I20.0   Unstable angina

        IX.I20-I25.I21   Acute myocardial infarction

        It is part of:

        V.F40-F48.F41.1   Generalized anxiety disorder

        VI.G40-G47.G40   Epilepsy

        VI.G40-G47.G40.1   Localized (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures

        VI.G40-G47.G40.2   Localized (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures

        VI.G60-G64.G62.9   Polyneuropathy, unspecified

        XIII.M70-M79.M79.1   Myalgia

        XVIII.R50-R69.R52.2   Another constant pain

        It is part of:

        I.B15-B19.B16   Acute hepatitis B

        I.B15-B19.B17.1   Acute hepatitis C

        I.B15-B19.B18.1   Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent

        I.B15-B19.B18.2   Chronic viral hepatitis C

        II.C81-C96.C81   Hodgkin's disease [lymphogranulomatosis]

        II.C81-C96.C91.0   Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

        II.C81-C96.C92.0   Acute myeloid leukemia

        III.D55-D59.D59   Acquired hemolytic anemia

        III.D65-D69.D69.3   Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

        III.D70-D77.D70   Agranulocytosis

        IV.E15-E16.E16.1   Other forms of hypoglycemia

        IV.E20-E35.E25   Adrenogenital disorders

        IV.E20-E35.E27.1   Primary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex

        IV.E20-E35.E27.4   Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency

        VII.H00-H06.H01.0   Blepharitis

        VII.H10-H13.H10.1   Acute atopic conjunctivitis

        VII.H10-H13.H10.4   Chronic conjunctivitis

        VII.H10-H13.H10.5   Blepharoconjunctivitis

        VII.H15-H22.H15.0   Sclerite

        VII.H15-H22.H15.1   Episcleritis

        VII.H15-H22.H16   Keratite

        VII.H15-H22.H16.2   Keratoconjunctivitis

        VII.H15-H22.H20.0   Acute and subacute iridocyclitis

        VII.H15-H22.H20.1   Chronic iridocyclitis

        VII.H30-H36.H30   Chorioretinal inflammation

        X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

        X.J40-J47.J46   Asthmatic status [status asthmaticus]

        XI.K70-K77.K72   Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified

        XI.K70-K77.K73   Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified

        XII.L10-L14.L10   Pemphigus [pemphigus]

        XII.L20-L30.L20.8   Other atopic dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L21   Seborrheic dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L26   Exfoliative dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L28.1   Scabby nodosum

        XII.L20-L30.L28.2   Other scrapes

        XII.L20-L30.L29   Itching

        XII.L40-L45.L40   Psoriasis

        XII.L50-L54.L53   Other erythematous conditions

        XII.L60-L75.L63   Alopecia areata

        XII.L80-L99.L93.0   Discoid lupus erythematosus

        XIII.M05-M14.M05   Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis

        XIII.M15-M19.M15   Polyarthrosis

        XIII.M30-M36.M30   Nodular polyarteritis and related conditions

        XIII.M30-M36.M32   Systemic lupus erythematosus

        XIII.M30-M36.M33   Dermatopolymiositis

        XIII.M30-M36.M34   Systemic sclerosis

        XIII.M45-M49.M45   Ankylosing spondylitis

        XIII.M50-M54.M54.3   Sciatica

        XIII.M65-M68.M65   Synovitis and tenosynovitis

        XIII.M70-M79.M70   Diseases of soft tissues associated with exercise, overload and pressure

        XIII.M70-M79.M71   Other bursopathies

        XIII.M70-M79.M72.0   Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Depuitrena]

        XIII.M70-M79.M75.0   Adhesive shoulder capsulitis

        XIX.T66-T78.T78.3   Angioedema

        It is part of:

        II.C81-C96.C81   Hodgkin's disease [lymphogranulomatosis]

        III.D55-D59.D59   Acquired hemolytic anemia

        III.D65-D69.D69.3   Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

        III.D70-D77.D70   Agranulocytosis

        IV.E15-E16.E16.1   Other forms of hypoglycemia

        IV.E20-E35.E25   Adrenogenital disorders

        IV.E20-E35.E27.1   Primary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex

        IV.E20-E35.E27.2   Addison's Crisis

        X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

        XI.K70-K77.K72   Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified

        XI.K70-K77.K73   Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified

        XII.L10-L14.L10   Pemphigus [pemphigus]

        XII.L20-L30.L20.8   Other atopic dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L21   Seborrheic dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L23   Allergic contact dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L24   Simple irritant contact dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L26   Exfoliative dermatitis

        XII.L20-L30.L28.0   Simple chronic lichen

        XII.L20-L30.L28.1   Scabby nodosum

        XII.L20-L30.L29   Itching

        XII.L20-L30.L30.0   Coin-like eczema

        XII.L40-L45.L40   Psoriasis

        XII.L50-L54.L53   Other erythematous conditions

        XII.L60-L75.L63   Alopecia areata

        XII.L80-L99.L93.0   Discoid lupus erythematosus

        XIII.M05-M14.M05   Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis

        XIII.M30-M36.M30   Nodular polyarteritis and related conditions

        XIII.M30-M36.M33   Dermatopolymiositis

        XIII.M30-M36.M34   Systemic sclerosis

        XIII.M45-M49.M45   Ankylosing spondylitis

        XIII.M70-M79.M79.0   Rheumatism, unspecified

        XVIII.R50-R69.R57   Shock, not elsewhere classified

        XIX.T66-T78.T78.2   Anaphylactic shock, unspecified

        XIX.T66-T78.T78.4   Allergy, unspecified

        XIX.T79.T79.4   Traumatic shock

        XIX.T80-T88.T81.1   Shock during or after the procedure, not elsewhere classified

        It is part of:

        X.J00-J06.J02.9   Acute pharyngitis, unspecified

        X.J00-J06.J04   Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

        X.J20-J22.J20.9   Acute bronchitis, unspecified

        X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

        X.J40-J47.J43   Emphysema

        X.J40-J47.J45.9   Asthma, unspecified

        XVIII.R00-R09.R05   Cough

        It is part of:

        VI.G40-G47.G40   Epilepsy

        VI.G40-G47.G40.3   Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes

        It is part of:

        II.D10-D36.D25   Leiomyoma of the uterus

        IV.E20-E35.E28   Dysfunction of the ovaries

        XIV.N60-N64.N60.1   Diffuse cystic mastopathy

        XIV.N60-N64.N64.4   Mammalgia

        XIV.N60-N64.N64.8   Other specified diseases of mammary gland

        XIV.N80-N98.N80   Endometriosis

        XIV.N80-N98.N91.2   Amenorrhea, unspecified

        XIV.N80-N98.N91.5   Oligomenorrhea, unspecified

        XIV.N80-N98.N92.1   Abundant and frequent menstruation with an irregular cycle

        XIV.N80-N98.N94.3   Premenstrual tension syndrome

        XIV.N80-N98.N94.6   Dysmenorrhea, unspecified

        XIV.N80-N98.N94.8   Other specified conditions associated with female genital organs and the menstrual cycle

        XIV.N80-N98.N95   Menopause disorders and other disorders in the perimenopausal period

        XIV.N80-N98.N95.1   Menopause and menopause in women

        XIV.N80-N98.N96   Habitual miscarriage

        XIV.N80-N98.N97   Female infertility

        XV.O20-O29.O20.0   Threatening abortion

        XXI.Z30-Z39.Z31.1   Artificial insemination

        It is part of:

        IX.I80-I89.I84   Hemorrhoids

        XI.K55-K63.K60   Fissure and fistula of the anus and rectum area

        XIII.M50-M54.M54.4   Lumbago with sciatica

        XIII.M50-M54.M54.3   Sciatica

        XII.L20-L30.L20.8   Other atopic dermatitis

        XVIII.R50-R69.R52.2   Another constant pain

        XVIII.R50-R69.R52.0   Acute pain

        XII.L20-L30.L30.9   Dermatitis, unspecified

        XVIII.R10-R19.R11   Nausea and vomiting

        XXI.Z40-Z54.Z51.4   Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified

        It is part of: