Non-proprietary names from 'tansy' to 'pyrazinamide' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

1 D L R

I.B65-B83.B77   Ascaridosis

I.B65-B83.B80   Enterobiosis

XI.K80-K87.K81.1   Chronic cholecystitis

XI.K90-K93.K91.5   Postcholecystectomy syndrome

XI.K80-K87.K82.8   Other specified diseases of the gallbladder

It is part of:

XI.K80-K87.K81.1   Chronic cholecystitis

XI.K80-K87.K82.8   Other specified diseases of the gallbladder

XI.K90-K93.K91.5   Postcholecystectomy syndrome

It is part of:

I.A70-A74.A74.0   Chlamydial conjunctivitis (H13.1 *)

VII.H15-H22.H16.2   Keratoconjunctivitis

VII.H10-H13.H10.4   Chronic conjunctivitis

VII.H10-H13.H10.2   Other acute conjunctivitis

It is part of:

II.C81-C96.C82.9   Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unspecified

II.C81-C96.C83   Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

It is part of:

VII.H30-H36.H34   Vascular occlusion of the retina

VII.H40-H42   Glaucoma

VII.H43-H45.H43.1   Hemorrhage in the vitreous body

VII.H46-H48.H47.2   Atrophy of the optic nerve

It is part of:

VII.H40-H42.H40.0   Suspicion of glaucoma

VII.H40-H42.H40.1   Primary open angle glaucoma

VII.H40-H42.H40.2   Primary angle-closure glaucoma

VII.H40-H42.H40.3   Glaucoma secondary posttraumatic

VII.H40-H42.H40.5   Glaucoma secondary due to other eye diseases

VII.H40-H42.H40.4   Glaucoma secondary due to inflammatory disease of the eye

XII.L20-L30.L20.8   Other atopic dermatitis

It is part of:

XI.K55-K63.K58   Irritable Bowel Syndrome

XI.K94.K94 *   Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive tract

XVIII.R10-R19.R10.4   Other and unspecified abdominal pain

It is part of:

VI.G20-G26.G25.0   Essential tremor

IX.I10-I15.I15   Secondary Hypertension

IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

IX.I20-I25.I20   Angina pectoris [angina pectoris]

IX.I30-I52.I34.1   Prolapse [prolapse] of the mitral valve

IX.I30-I52.I42   Cardiomyopathy

IX.I30-I52.I47.1   Nadzheludochkovaya tachycardia

IX.I30-I52.I48   Atrial fibrillation and flutter

IX.I30-I52.I49.1   Premature depolarization of the atria

IX.I30-I52.I49.9   Disorder of heart rhythm, unspecified

IX.I30-I52.I49.4   Other and unspecified depolarization

It is part of:

I.A30-A49.A40   Streptococcal septicemia

VII.H10-H13.H10.2   Other acute conjunctivitis

VII.H15-H22.H16.0   Corneal ulcer

VII.H15-H22.H16.2   Keratoconjunctivitis

VII.H15-H22.H20.0   Acute and subacute iridocyclitis

VII.H43-H45.H44.0   Purulent endophthalmitis

VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

X.J00-J06.J01   Acute Sinusitis

X.J00-J06.J02   Acute pharyngitis

X.J00-J06.J03   Acute tonsillitis

X.J00-J06.J04   Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

X.J10-J18.J15   Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

X.J85-J86.J85   Abscess of the lung and mediastinum

X.J85-J86.J86   Pythothrace

X.J90-J94.J90   Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified

XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

XI.K50-K52.K52   Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

XI.K55-K63.K61   Abscess of the anus and rectum area

XI.K55-K63   Other bowel diseases

XII.L00-L08.L01   Impetigo

XII.L00-L08.L02   Abscess of skin, boil and carbuncle

XII.L00-L08.L03   Phlegmon

XII.L00-L08.L08.0   Pyoderma

XII.L60-L75.L60   Diseases of the nails

XII.L60-L75.L73.2   Hyperadenitis purulent

XIII.M86-M90.M86   Osteomyelitis

XIV.N00-N08.N00   Acute nephritic syndrome

XIV.N10-N16.N11   Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis

XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

XIV.N40-N51.N41   Inflammatory diseases of the prostate

XIV.N60-N64.N61   Inflammatory diseases of the breast

XIV.N70-N77.N70   Salpingitis and oophoritis

XIV.N70-N77.N72   Inflammatory disease of the cervix

XIV.N70-N77.N71.9   Inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified

XIV.N70-N77.N73.0   Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulite

XVI.P35-P39.P36   Bacterial sepsis of newborn

XVI.P35-P39.P38   Omphalitis of a newborn with little or no bleeding

XIX.T79.T79.3   Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

It is part of:

IV.E10-E14.E11   Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

It is part of:

V.F40-F48.F45.3   Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

V.F40-F48.F48.0   Neurasthenia

V.F50-F59.F51.0   Insomnia inorganic etiology

V.F50-F59.F51.2   Sleep and wakefulness disorder inorganic etiology

It is part of:

XXI.Z100.Z100 *   CLASS XXII Surgical Practice

XXI.Z40-Z54.Z40   Prophylactic surgical intervention

It is part of:

XIV.N10-N16.N12   Tubulointerstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic

XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

XIV.N30-N39.N39.0   Urinary tract infection without established localization

XIV.N40-N51.N41.9   Inflammatory disease of prostate, unspecified

It is part of:

I.B65-B83.B77   Ascaridosis

I.B65-B83.B80   Enterobiosis

It is part of:

I.A30-A49.A41.9   Septicemia, unspecified

I.A50-A64.A54.0   Gonococcal infection of the lower sections of the genito-urinary tract without abscessing of the periurethral or accessory gland

I.B15-B19.B19   Viral hepatitis, unspecified

III.D80-D89.D84.9   Immunodeficiency, unspecified

VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

VIII.H60-H62.H60   External otitis media

IX.I30-I52.I33   Acute and subacute endocarditis

X.J00-J06.J02.9   Acute pharyngitis, unspecified

X.J00-J06.J04   Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

X.J10-J18.J18   Pneumonia without clarification of the pathogen

X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

X.J85-J86.J85.2   Abscess of lung without pneumonia

X.J85-J86.J86   Pythothrace

XI.K00-K14.K05   Gingivitis and periodontal disease

XI.K00-K14.K12   Stomatitis and related lesions

XI.K65-K67.K65.0   Acute peritonitis

XI.K65-K67.K65   Peritonitis

XI.K70-K77.K76.9   Liver disease, unspecified

XI.K80-K87.K81.0   Acute cholecystitis

XI.K80-K87.K81   Cholecystitis

XI.K80-K87.K83.0   Cholangitis

XI.K80-K87.K83.9   Disease of biliary tract, unspecified

XII.L00-L08.L08.9   Local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified

XIII.M00-M03   Infectious arthropathy

XIII.M00-M03.M00.9   Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified

XIII.M86-M90.M86   Osteomyelitis

XIV.N10-N16.N12   Tubulointerstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic

XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

XIV.N40-N51.N41   Inflammatory diseases of the prostate

XIV.N40-N51.N45.9   Orchitis, epididymitis and epididymo-orchitis without mention of an abscess

XIV.N70-N77.N70   Salpingitis and oophoritis

XIV.N70-N77.N71   Inflammatory diseases of the uterus, except the cervix

XIV.N70-N77.N73.9   Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs, unspecified

XV.O85-O92.O85   Postpartum sepsis

XV.O85-O92.O86   Other postpartum infections

XIX.T20-T32.T30   Thermal and chemical burns, unspecified

XIX.T79.T79.3   Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

XXI.Z100.Z100 *   CLASS XXII Surgical Practice

It is part of:

    I.A30-A49.A39   Meningococcal infection

    I.A30-A49.A40   Streptococcal septicemia

    I.A30-A49.A41   Other septicemia

    I.A50-A64.A54   Gonococcal infection

    VI.G00-G09.G00   Bacterial meningitis, not elsewhere classified

    IX.I80-I89.I83.2   Varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcer and inflammation

    X.J10-J18.J15   Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

    X.J40-J47.J47   Bronchoectasia

    X.J85-J86.J85   Abscess of the lung and mediastinum

    X.J85-J86.J86   Pythothrace

    X.J90-J94.J90   Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified

    XI.K65-K67.K65.0   Acute peritonitis

    XI.K70-K77.K75.0   Abscess of liver

    XI.K80-K87.K81.0   Acute cholecystitis

    XI.K80-K87.K81.1   Chronic cholecystitis

    XI.K80-K87.K83.0   Cholangitis

    XII.L00-L08.L01   Impetigo

    XII.L00-L08.L02   Abscess of skin, boil and carbuncle

    XII.L00-L08.L03   Phlegmon

    XII.L00-L08.L08.0   Pyoderma

    XIII.M00-M03.M00   Pyogenic arthritis

    XIII.M86-M90.M86   Osteomyelitis

    XIV.N10-N16.N10   Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis

    XIV.N10-N16.N11   Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis

    XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

    XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

    XIV.N40-N51.N41   Inflammatory diseases of the prostate

    XIV.N40-N51.N45   Orchitis and epididymitis

    XIV.N70-N77.N70   Salpingitis and oophoritis

    XIV.N70-N77.N71.9   Inflammatory disease of uterus, unspecified

    XIV.N70-N77.N72   Inflammatory disease of the cervix

    XIV.N70-N77.N73.0   Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulite

    XIX.T79.T79.3   Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

    XXI.Z20-Z29.Z29.2   Another type of preventive chemotherapy

    It is part of:

    I.B85-B89.B86   Scabies

    It is part of:

    V.F20-F29.F20   Schizophrenia

    V.F20-F29.F20.0   Paranoid schizophrenia

    V.F20-F29.F20.1   Gebefrenic schizophrenia

    V.F20-F29.F22.0   Delusional Disorder

    V.F20-F29.F29   Inorganic psychosis, unspecified

    V.F30-F39.F39   Mood disturbance [affective], unspecified

    XVIII.R40-R46.R44.3   Other hallucinations

    XVIII.R40-R46.R45.1   Anxiety and Excitement

    It is part of:

      V.F30-F39.F32   Depressive episode

      V.F30-F39.F33   Recurrent depressive disorder

      It is part of:

      I.A15-A19   Tuberculosis

      It is part of: