Non-proprietary names from 'bromhexine' to 'buformin' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

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I.A15-A19.A15   Tuberculosis of respiratory organs, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically

I.A30-A49.A37   Whooping cough

X.J00-J06.J04   Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

X.J10-J18.J15   Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

X.J40-J47.J43   Emphysema

X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

It is part of:

I.A15-A19.A16.9   Tuberculosis of respiratory organs, unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation

X.J10-J18.J18   Pneumonia without clarification of the pathogen

X.J40-J47.J40   Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic

X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

X.J40-J47.J43   Emphysema

X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

X.J60-J70.J64   Pneumoconiosus, unspecified

XVIII.R00-R09.R09.3   Sputum

I.A15-A19.A16.9   Tuberculosis of respiratory organs, unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation

X.J10-J18.J18.0   Bronchopneumonia, unspecified

X.J40-J47.J40   Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic

X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

X.J40-J47.J43   Emphysema

X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

X.J60-J70.J64   Pneumoconiosus, unspecified

XVIII.R00-R09.R09.3   Sputum

It is part of:

    V.F00-F09.F00 *   Dementia in Alzheimer's disease (G30 .- +)

    V.F00-F09.F03   Dementia, unspecified

    V.F00-F09.F05   Delirium not caused by alcohol or other psychoactive substances

    V.F00-F09.F07.2   Postcontasia syndrome

    V.F10-F19.F11.3   Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of opioids - withdrawal symptoms

    V.F20-F29.F20   Schizophrenia

    V.F20-F29.F23   Acute and transient psychotic disorders

    V.F20-F29.F25   Schizoaffective disorder

    V.F30-F39.F30   Manic episode

    V.F30-F39.F32   Depressive episode

    V.F40-F48.F40.0   Agoraphobia

    V.F40-F48.F40.8   Other phobic anxiety disorders

    V.F40-F48.F41.0   Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]

    V.F40-F48.F41.1   Generalized anxiety disorder

    V.F40-F48.F42   Obsessive-compulsive disorder

    V.F40-F48.F43.0   Acute stress reaction

    V.F40-F48.F43.1   Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    V.F40-F48.F43.2   Disorder of adaptive reactions

    V.F40-F48.F44   Dissociative [conversion] disorders

    V.F40-F48.F45   Somatoform disorders

    V.F40-F48.F45.2   Hypochondriacal disorder

    V.F40-F48.F48   Other neurotic disorders

    V.F50-F59.F51.0   Insomnia inorganic etiology

    V.F60-F69.F60   Specific personality disorders

    V.F60-F69.F60.2   Dissocial personality disorder

    V.F60-F69.F60.3   Emotionally unstable personality disorder

    V.F60-F69.F63   Disorders of habits and drives

    V.F70-F79.F79   Mental retardation, unspecified

    V.F90-F98.F95   Tiki

    VI.G40-G47.G40   Epilepsy

    VI.G40-G47.G41   Epileptic status

    VI.G40-G47.G47.0   Disturbances of falling asleep and maintaining sleep [insomnia]

    XVIII.R25-R29.R25.2   Cramp and spasm

    XVIII.R40-R46.R45.0   Nervousness

    XVIII.R40-R46.R45.4   Irritability and anger

    It is part of:

    I.A30-A49.A37   Whooping cough

    VI.G20-G26.G25.5   Other types of chorea

    VI.G40-G47.G47.0   Disturbances of falling asleep and maintaining sleep [insomnia]

    XVIII.R40-R46.R45.1   Anxiety and Excitement

    It is part of:

      IX.I95-I99.I95   Hypotension

      XVIII.R50-R69.R53   Malaise and fatigue

      V.F40-F48.F48.0   Neurasthenia

      XVIII.R00-R09.R07.2   Pain in the region of the heart

      XVIII.R40-R46.R45.1   Anxiety and Excitement

      It is part of:

      I.B00-B09.B00.2   Herpetic gingivostomatitis and pharyngotongsillitis

      I.B00-B09.B00.5   Herpetic eye disease

      XI.K00-K14.K05   Gingivitis and periodontal disease

      It is part of:

      II.D10-D36.D24   Benign neoplasm of breast

      II.D10-D36.D35   Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands

      II.D37-D48.D44   Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown character of endocrine glands

      IV.E20-E35.E22.0   Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism

      IV.E20-E35.E22.1   Hyperprolactinemia

      VI.G20-G26.G20   Parkinson's disease

      VI.G20-G26.G21.3   Postencephalitic parkinsonism

      XIV.N60-N64.N60.1   Diffuse cystic mastopathy

      XIV.N80-N98.N94.3   Premenstrual tension syndrome

      XIV.N80-N98.N94.6   Dysmenorrhea, unspecified

      XIV.N80-N98.N97   Female infertility

      It is part of:

      XI.K20-K31.K25   Stomach ulcer

      XI.K20-K31.K26   Duodenal ulcer

      XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

      XI.K20-K31.K31   Other diseases of the stomach and duodenum

      XI.K50-K52.K52   Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

      XI.K80-K87.K83   Other bile duct diseases

      XI.K94.K94 *   Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive tract

      XVIII.R10-R19.R10.1   Pain localized in the upper abdomen

      It is part of:

        I.A50-A64.A54   Gonococcal infection

        X.J00-J06.J03   Acute tonsillitis

        X.J10-J18.J15   Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

        X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

        X.J30-J39.J35.0   Chronic tonsillitis

        X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

        X.J40-J47.J47   Bronchoectasia

        XI.K00-K14.K05   Gingivitis and periodontal disease

        XI.K00-K14.K12   Stomatitis and related lesions

        XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

        XI.K70-K77.K73   Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified

        XIII.M00-M03.M02   Reactive arthropathy

        XIII.M05-M14.M05   Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis

        XIII.M45-M49.M47   Spondylosis

        XIV.N00-N08.N04   Nephrotic syndrome

        XIV.N10-N16.N10   Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis

        XIV.N10-N16.N11   Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis

        XIV.N20-N23.N20   Kidney and ureter stones

        XIV.N20-N23.N21   Stones of the lower parts of the urinary tract

        XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

        XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

        It is part of:

        XIV.N10-N16.N12   Tubulointerstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic

        XIV.N10-N16.N15   Other tubulo-interstitial diseases of the kidneys

        XIV.N20-N23   Urolithiasis disease

        XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

        XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

        XIV.N30-N39.N39.0   Urinary tract infection without established localization

        XVIII.R30-R39.R32   Urinary incontinence, unspecified

        It is part of:

          X.J30-J39.J30.3   Other allergic rhinitis

          X.J30-J39.J30.2   Other seasonal allergic rhinitis

          X.J30-J39.J30.1   Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen of plants

          X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

          X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

          XI.K50-K52.K50   Crohn's disease [regional enteritis]

          It is part of:

          X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

          It is part of:

          X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

          X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

          It is part of:

          VI.G90-G99.G93.6   Edema of the brain

          IX.I30-I52.I50.0   Congestive heart failure

          X.J80-J84.J81   Pulmonary edema

          XI.K70-K77.K74   Fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver

          XIV.N17-N19.N18   Chronic Renal Failure

          XIV.N17-N19.N17   Acute kidney failure

          XV.O10-O16.O14   Pregnancy-induced hypertension with significant proteinuria

          XVIII.R50-R69.R60   Edema, not elsewhere classified

          It is part of:

            XVIII.R50-R69.R52.0   Acute pain

            XXI.Z40-Z54.Z51.4   Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified

            It is part of:

            XIX.T08-T14.T14.9   Injury, unspecified

            XIX.T80-T88.T88.9   Complication of surgical and therapeutic intervention, unspecified

            It is part of:

            IX.I20-I25.I20   Angina pectoris [angina pectoris]

            IX.I20-I25.I21   Acute myocardial infarction

            IX.I20-I25.I22   Repeated myocardial infarction

            XVIII.R50-R69.R52.0   Acute pain

            XVIII.R50-R69.R52.1   Constant unrestrained pain

            XVIII.R50-R69.R52.2   Another constant pain

            XIX.T20-T32.T30   Thermal and chemical burns, unspecified

            It is part of:

            V.F30-F39.F33   Recurrent depressive disorder

            V.F30-F39.F32   Depressive episode

            It is part of:

            II.D10-D36.D25   Leiomyoma of the uterus

            II.D10-D36.D26   Other benign neoplasms of the uterus

            IV.E20-E35.E28.0   Excess estrogens

            XIV.N80-N98.N80   Endometriosis

            XIV.N80-N98.N85.1   Adenomatous hyperplasia of the endometrium

            XIV.N80-N98.N85.0   Glandular endometrial hyperplasia

            XIV.N80-N98.N97   Female infertility

            XXI.Z30-Z39.Z31.1   Artificial insemination

            It is part of:

            V.F10-F19.F10.3   Mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol use - withdrawal symptoms

            V.F40-F48.F40.0   Agoraphobia

            V.F40-F48.F41.0   Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]

            V.F40-F48.F41.1   Generalized anxiety disorder

            V.F40-F48.F42   Obsessive-compulsive disorder

            V.F40-F48.F45   Somatoform disorders

            It is part of:

            II.C81-C96.C92.1   Chronic myeloid leukemia

            II.C81-C96.C94.0   Acute erythremia and erythroleukemia

            II.C81-C96.C94.1   Chronic erythremia

            II.C81-C96.C94.5   Acute myelofibrosis

            II.D37-D48.D45   Polycythemia true

            II.D37-D48.D47.3   Essential (hemorrhagic) thrombocythemia

            XXI.Z40-Z54.Z51.4   Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified

            It is part of:

            I.A30-A49.A37   Whooping cough

            XVIII.R00-R09.R05   Cough

            It is part of:

            X.J00-J06.J04   Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

            X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

            X.J00-J06.J06.8   Other acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple localization

            X.J20-J22.J22   Acute respiratory infection of lower respiratory tract, unspecified

            XVIII.R00-R09.R05   Cough

            It is part of:

            VII.H40-H42.H40.5   Glaucoma secondary due to other eye diseases

            VII.H40-H42.H40.4   Glaucoma secondary due to inflammatory disease of the eye

            VII.H40-H42.H40.3   Glaucoma secondary posttraumatic

            VII.H40-H42.H40.2   Primary angle-closure glaucoma

            VII.H40-H42.H40.1   Primary open angle glaucoma

            IX.I20-I25.I20   Angina pectoris [angina pectoris]

            IX.I10-I15.I15   Secondary Hypertension

            IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

            IX.I30-I52.I50.0   Congestive heart failure

            IX.I30-I52.I49.9   Disorder of heart rhythm, unspecified

            It is part of:

            I.B35-B49.B37.3   Candidiasis of the vulva and vagina (N77.1 *)

            It is part of:

            I.B35-B49.B37.3   Candidiasis of the vulva and vagina (N77.1 *)

            XIV.N70-N77.N76   Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva

            It is part of:

            I.B35-B49.B37.3   Candidiasis of the vulva and vagina (N77.1 *)

            It is part of:

              XVIII.R50-R69.R52.0   Acute pain

              XVIII.R50-R69.R52.1   Constant unrestrained pain

              XVIII.R50-R69.R52.2   Another constant pain

              It is part of:

              IV.E65-E68.E66   Obesity

              IV.E10-E14.E11   Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

              It is part of: