Non-proprietary names from 'bisacodyl' to 'bortezomib' - Electronic Medicinal Guide TALKDRUGS

1 D L R

XI.K55-K63.K59.0   Constipation

XXI.Z40-Z54.Z51.4   Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified

It is part of:

IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

IX.I20-I25.I20   Angina pectoris [angina pectoris]

It is part of:

IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

It is part of:

I.A00-A09.A02   Other salmonella infections

I.A00-A09.A03   Shigelez

I.A00-A09.A04   Other bacterial intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A04.7   Enterocolitis caused by Clostridium difficile

I.A00-A09.A05.0   Staphylococcal food poisoning

I.A00-A09.A08   Viral and other specified intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A09   Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of allegedly infectious origin

XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

XI.K55-K63.K59.0   Constipation

XI.K55-K63   Other bowel diseases

XIV.N60-N64.N61   Inflammatory diseases of the breast

XIV.N70-N77.N76   Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva

It is part of:

I.A00-A09.A02   Other salmonella infections

I.A00-A09.A03   Shigelez

I.A00-A09.A04.0   Enteropathogenic infection caused by Escherichia coli

I.A00-A09.A05   Other bacterial food poisoning

I.A00-A09.A08   Viral and other specified intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A09   Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of allegedly infectious origin

XI.K50-K52.K51   Ulcerative colitis

XI.K50-K52.K52   Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

XI.K55-K63   Other bowel diseases

It is part of:

I.A00-A09.A05   Other bacterial food poisoning

I.A00-A09.A08   Viral and other specified intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A09   Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of allegedly infectious origin

XI.K55-K63   Other bowel diseases

It is part of:

I.A00-A09.A04   Other bacterial intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A08   Viral and other specified intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A09   Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of allegedly infectious origin

XI.K50-K52.K52   Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

XI.K55-K63.K62.8   Other specified diseases of anus and rectum

XI.K55-K63   Other bowel diseases

XIV.N70-N77.N70   Salpingitis and oophoritis

XIV.N70-N77.N76   Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva

XXI.Z20-Z29.Z29.8   Other specified preventive measures

It is part of:

I.A00-A09.A02   Other salmonella infections

I.A00-A09.A03   Shigelez

I.A00-A09.A04   Other bacterial intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A05   Other bacterial food poisoning

I.A00-A09.A08   Viral and other specified intestinal infections

I.A00-A09.A09   Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of allegedly infectious origin

IV.E70-E90.E73   Lactose intolerance

XI.K50-K52.K52   Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

XI.K55-K63.K58   Irritable Bowel Syndrome

XI.K55-K63.K59   Other functional intestinal disturbances

It is part of:

I.B35-B49.B35.4   Mycosis of the trunk

I.B35-B49.B35.3   Mycosis of the feet

I.B35-B49.B35.2   Mycosis brushes

I.B35-B49.B35.6   Epidermophytosis inguinal

I.B35-B49.B36.0   Multicolored lichen

I.B35-B49.B37.2   Candidiasis of skin and nails

XII.L00-L08.L08.1   Erythrasm

It is part of:

I.B35-B49.B35.1   Mycosis of nails

I.B35-B49.B37.2   Candidiasis of skin and nails

It is part of:

II.C15-C26.C15   Malignant neoplasm of esophagus

II.C30-C39.C34   Malignant neoplasm of bronchi and lungs

II.C45-C49.C49   Malignant neoplasm of other types of connective and soft tissue

II.C40-C41.C40   Malignant neoplasm of bones and articular cartilages of extremities

II.C73-C75.C73   Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland

II.C64-C68.C64   Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except for renal pelvis

II.C60-C63.C62   Malignant neoplasm of testis

II.C51-C58.C53   Malignant neoplasm of cervix

II.C81-C96.C81   Hodgkin's disease [lymphogranulomatosis]

II.C81-C96.C82   Follicular [nodular] non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

II.C81-C96.C83   Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

X.J90-J94.J90   Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified

XI.K65-K67.K65.0   Acute peritonitis

It is part of:

II.C81-C96.C91.0   Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

It is part of:

XIV.N70-N77   Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs

I.A15-A19.A16.9   Tuberculosis of respiratory organs, unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation

X.J60-J70.J63.4   Siderosis

X.J80-J84.J84.1   Other interstitial lung diseases with mention of fibrosis

X.J80-J84.J84.8   Other specified interstitial lung diseases

XII.L80-L99.L94.0   Localized scleroderma [morphea]

XIV.N10-N16.N13.5   Bend and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis

XIV.N30-N39.N30.1   Interstitial cystitis (chronic)

XIV.N30-N39.N35   Urethral stricture

XIV.N40-N51.N40   Hyperplasia of the prostate

XIV.N40-N51.N41.1   Chronic prostatitis

XIV.N40-N51.N48.9   Disease of penis, unspecified

XIV.N70-N77.N71   Inflammatory diseases of the uterus, except the cervix

XIV.N80-N98.N85.6   Intrauterine synechiae

XIV.N80-N98.N97.1   Female infertility of pipe origin

XIV.N99.N99.1   Postoperative stricture of the urethra

XIV.N99.N99.4   Postoperative adhesions in the pelvis

XIX.T08-T14.T14.1   Open wound of unspecified area of ​​the body

XXI.Z100.Z100 *   CLASS XXII Surgical Practice

It is part of:

IX.I26-I28.I27.0   Primary pulmonary hypertension

IX.I26-I28.I27.8   Other specified forms of pulmonary heart disease

XIII.M30-M36.M34   Systemic sclerosis

XVII.Q20-Q28.Q21.8   Other congenital malformations of cardiac septum

It is part of:

XXI.Z20-Z29.Z29.8   Other specified preventive measures

XXI.Z30-Z39.Z30.0   General advice and advice on contraception

It is part of:

XII.L20-L30.L30.4   Erythematous intermittence

XVIII.R50-R69.R61   Hyperhidrosis

It is part of:

VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

XII.L80-L99.L89   Decubital ulcer

XVIII.R00-R09.R04.0   Nose bleed

XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

It is part of:

VIII.H60-H62.H60   External otitis media

VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

XII.L20-L30.L30.9   Dermatitis, unspecified

XII.L20-L30   Dermatitis and eczema

XII.L00-L08.L08.0   Pyoderma

XII.L20-L30.L30.4   Erythematous intermittence

It is part of:

I.B00-B09.B00.9   Herpetic infection, unspecified

XII.L00-L08.L08.0   Pyoderma

XII.L20-L30.L25   Contact dermatitis, unspecified

XII.L20-L30.L30.4   Erythematous intermittence

XII.L20-L30.L30.9   Dermatitis, unspecified

XII.L55-L59.L56.2   Photocontact dermatitis [berloque dermatitis]

XII.L80-L99.L89   Decubital ulcer

XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

XIX.T08-T14.T14.1   Open wound of unspecified area of ​​the body

XIX.T20-T32.T30   Thermal and chemical burns, unspecified

It is part of:

II.C81-C96.C90.0   Multiple myeloma

II.C81-C96.C85.7   Other specified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

It is part of: