Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Macrolides and Azalides

Included in the formulation
  • Azibiot®
    pills inwards 
  • Azivok
    capsules inwards 
    Vokhard Ltd     India
  • Azidrope
    drops d / eye 
    LABORATOUR TEA     France
  • Azithral
    capsules inwards 
  • Azitrox®
    capsules inwards 
  • Azitrox®
    capsules inwards 
  • Azitrox®
    powder inwards 
  • Azithromycin
    pills inwards 
  • Azithromycin
    capsules inwards 
  • Azithromycin
    pills inwards 
    ATOLL, LLC     Russia
  • Azithromycin
    capsules inwards 
  • Azithromycin
    pills inwards 
    Kern Pharma S.L.     Spain
  • Azithromycin
    capsules inwards 
    OZONE, LLC     Russia
  • Azithromycin
    capsules inwards 
    VERTEKS, AO     Russia
  • Azithromycin
    pills inwards 
    REPLEK FARM Skopje, OOO     Macedonia
  • Azithromycin
    capsules inwards 
    DALHIMFARM, OJSC     Russia
  • Azithromycin
    pills inwards 
    VERTEKS, AO     Russia
  • Azithromycin Zentiva
    pills inwards 
    Zentiva c.s.     Czech Republic
  • Azithromycin Sandoz
    powder inwards 
    Sandoz d.     Slovenia
  • Azithromycin Forte-OBL
    pills inwards 
  • Azithromycin-Abrichin
    pills inwards 
    AKRIKHIN HFK, JSC     Russia
  • Azithromycin-LEXMM®
    pills inwards 
    PROTEK-SVM, LLC     Russia
  • Azithromycin-Macleodz
    pills inwards 
  • AzitrRus®
    capsules inwards 
    SYNTHESIS, OJSC     Russia
  • AzitrRus®
    powder inwards 
    SYNTHESIS, OJSC     Russia
  • AzitRus® forte
    pills inwards 
  • Zetamax retard
    powder inwards 
  • ZI-Factor®
    capsules inwards 
    VEROPHARM SA     Russia
  • ZI-Factor®
    pills inwards 
    VEROPHARM SA     Russia
  • Zyromin
    pills inwards 
  • Zitnob®
    pills inwards 
  • Zitrolide®
    capsules inwards 
    VALENTA PHARM, PAO     Russia
  • Sietrolide® forte
    capsules inwards 
    VALENTA PHARM, PAO     Russia
  • Zitrocin
    pills inwards 
  • Sumaclide
    capsules inwards 
    BIOSINTEZ, PAO     Russia
  • Sumaclide
    pills inwards 
    BIOSINTEZ, PAO     Russia
  • Sumamed®
    lyophilizate d / infusion 
  • Sumamed®
    pills inwards 
  • Sumamed®
    powder inwards 
  • Sumamed®
    capsules inwards 
  • Sumamed®
    pills inwards 
  • Sumamed® forte
    powder inwards 
  • Sumamecin
    capsules inwards 
  • Sumamox
    capsules inwards 
  • Sumamox
    pills inwards 
  • OZONE, LLC     Russia
  • OZONE, LLC     Russia
  • Tremac-Sanovel
    pills inwards 
  • Tremac-Sanovel
    powder inwards d / children 
  • Hemomycin
    powder inwards 
    Hemofarm AD     Serbia
  • Hemomycin
    lyophilizate d / infusion 
    Hemofarm AD     Serbia
  • Hemomycin
    pills inwards 
    Hemofarm AD     Serbia
  • Hemomycin
    capsules inwards 
    Hemofarm AD     Serbia
  • Hemomycin
    powder inwards 
    Hemofarm AD     Serbia
  • Ecomed®
    capsules inwards 
    AVVA RUS, OJSC     Russia
  • Ecomed®
    powder inwards 
    AVVA RUS, OJSC     Russia
  • Ecomed®
    pills inwards 
    AVVA RUS, OJSC     Russia
  • Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):




    J.01.F.A.10   Azithromycin


    The drug, in difference from erythromycin, less effective against staphylococci and more effective against hemophilic rods, enterobacteria, legionella, toxoplasm. Creates the highest concentrations among macrolides in tissues. It is an agonist of the motilin receptors of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Azithromycin is a semi-synthetic 15-membered macrolide that belongs to the subclass of azalides, since it contains a nitrogen atom in the macrocyclic ring.

    A bacteriostatic antibiotic interacts with the 50S subunit of bacterial ribosomes, blocking the synthesis of the protein during the translocation stage. The preparation disrupts the process of transferring the formed peptide from the A site to the P region by binding to a specific ligand in the ribosomal tunnel from which the resulting peptides leave.In high concentrations bactericidal effect on pneumococci, β-hemolytic group A streptococcus, causative agents of pertussis and diphtheria. Effective against gram-positive cocci (streptococci, staphylococcus), gram-negative cocci (gonococci, meningococcus), hemophilic rod, Borrelia, pale treponema, Helicobacter pylori. Well penetrates into cells and is active against intracellular pathogens (chlamydia, legionella, ureaplasma and mycoplasma).

    The drug is active against: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Haemophilus ducreyi, Moraxella catarrhalis, Escherichia coli, Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Campylobacter spp., Legionella pneumophila, Bacteroides fragilis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis, Treponema pallidum, Toxoplasma gondii.


    It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability - 37%, decrease when eating. Relationship with plasma proteins 7-50%. Vd - 31 l / kg, the concentration in the tissues is 10-100 times higher than in the blood plasma; accumulates intracellularly in phagocytes and fibroblasts, weakly penetrates into the central nervous system. 35% of the drug is metabolized in the liver by demethylation. Half-life - 11-14 hours (single dose), 2-4 days (several doses).

    More than 59% are excreted with bile in the unchanged form, approximately 4.5% is excreted by the kidneys in an unchanged form.


    Infectious-inflammatory diseases caused by sensitive microorganisms.

    For oral administration: infection of the upper (streptococcal pharyngitis / tonsillitis) and lower (bacterial bronchitis, interstitial and alveolar pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis) of the respiratory tract, ENTorganisms (otitis media, laryngitis and sinusitis), urogenital system (urethritis and cervicitis), skin and soft tissues (erysipelas, impetigo, secondary infected dermatoses), chronic stage of migrating erythema (Lyme disease), stomach and duodenal diseases associated with Helicobacter pylori.

    For infusions: severe infections caused by sensitive strains of microorganisms: community-acquired pneumonia, infectious-inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

    I.A30-A49.A31.0   Pulmonary infection caused by Mycobacterium

    I.A30-A49.A46   Erys

    I.A30-A49.A48.1   Legionnaires' disease

    I.A50-A64.A54   Gonococcal infection

    I.A65-A69.A69.2   Lyme disease

    VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

    X.J00-J06.J01   Acute Sinusitis

    X.J00-J06.J02   Acute pharyngitis

    X.J00-J06.J02.0   Streptococcal pharyngitis

    X.J00-J06.J04.0   Acute laryngitis

    X.J10-J18.J15   Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

    X.J10-J18.J15.7   Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae

    X.J10-J18.J16.0   Pneumonia caused by chlamydia

    X.J10-J18.J18   Pneumonia without clarification of the pathogen

    X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

    X.J30-J39.J32   Chronic Sinusitis

    X.J30-J39.J35.0   Chronic tonsillitis

    X.J30-J39.J37.0   Chronic laryngitis

    X.J40-J47.J40   Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic

    X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

    XI.K20-K31.K25   Stomach ulcer

    XI.K20-K31.K26   Duodenal ulcer

    XII.L00-L08.L01   Impetigo

    XII.L00-L08.L02   Abscess of skin, boil and carbuncle

    XII.L00-L08.L03   Phlegmon

    XII.L00-L08.L08.0   Pyoderma

    XII.L20-L30.L30.3   Infectious dermatitis

    XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

    XIV.N30-N39.N39.0   Urinary tract infection without established localization

    XIV.N40-N51.N49   Inflammatory diseases of male genital organs, not elsewhere classified

    XIV.N70-N77.N72   Inflammatory disease of the cervix

    XIV.N70-N77.N73.9   Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs, unspecified


    Hypersensitivity, liver and kidney disease, age of up to 6 months (as a suspension), age of 12 years with a body weight of less than 45 kg (oral administration in the form of tablets), age 16 years (infusion).


    Predisposition to arrhythmia and lengthening of the interval QT, arrhythmia.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Category FDA - B. Application in pregnancy only in the case when the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the potential risk for the child. For the duration of treatment, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Adults: 0,25-1 g once a day.

    Children: 5-10 mg / kg once a day.

    Before use, consult a doctor, the final dosage is determined individually.

    Inside, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals, once a day.

    With infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract, infections of the skin and soft tissues - 500 mg each dayki for 3 days (the course dose is 1.5 g).

    With uncomplicated urethritis and / or cervicitis - once 1 g (4 capsules of 250 mg).

    With Lyme disease (borreliosis) for the treatment of stage I (erythema migrans) - 1 g (4 250 mg capsules) on the first day and 500 mg daily from the 2nd to the 5th day (the course dose is 3 g).

    With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, associated with Helicobacter pylori - 1 g (4 capsules of 250 mg) per day for 3 days as part of a combination therapy.

    Children are prescribed at the rate of 10 mg / kg once a day for 3 days or on the first day - 10 mg / kg, then 4 days - 5-10 mg / kg in day for 3 days (the course dose is 30 mg / kg).

    If you miss a dose of 1 dose, the missed dose should be taken as soon as possible, and the subsequent dose - with a break of 24 hours.

    Side effects:

    From the cardiovascular system: pain in the chest, palpitation.

    From the side of the blood: neutropenia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, transient neutrophilia.

    From the genitourinary system: candidiasis, vaginitis, nephritis, increasing residual urea nitrogen.

    On the part of organs GIT: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, increased activity hepatic transaminases, bilirubin, cholestasis, jaundice; rarely - constipation, discoloration of the tongue, pseudomembranous colitis, pancreatitis, liver necrosis, hepatic insufficiency (possibly fatal); in children - a decrease in appetite, gastritis, candidiasis of the oral mucosa.

    From the nervous system and sensory organs: dizziness, vertigo, headache, paresthesia, agitation, increased fatigue, drowsiness; rarely - tinnitus, reversible hearing loss down to deafness (when taken in high doses for a long time); children - headache (with medication otitis media), hyperkinesia, nervousness, anxiety, sleep disturbances, conjunctivitis, neurotoxicity (psychotic reactions and nightmares), myasthenic syndrome.

    Other: photosensitivity, hyperglycemia, allergic reactions, arthralgia, at intravenous introduction (in addition) - bronchospasm, pain and inflammation at the injection site.


    Violation of liver function, acute liver failure, diarrhea, vomiting, hearing loss. Treatment: gastric lavage (with oral administration), symptomatic.


    Antacids, ethanol, food slows down and reduces absorption (azithromycin should be taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after taking antacids and eating).

    Ergot alkaloids - risk of ergotism (possibly the manifestation of their toxic effects - vasospasm, dysesthesia).

    Warfarin is an intensification of the effect of warfarin. If it is necessary to share with warfarin, careful monitoring is recommended prothrombin time (possibly an increase in prothrombin time and the frequency of development of hemorrhages).

    Digoxin - a significant increase in the concentration of cardiac glycosides in plasma, the risk of glycosidic intoxication.

    Lovastatin is rhabdomyolysis.

    Cyclosporine - side effects, characteristic of cyclosporine. With cyclosporine and phenytoin - it is necessary to control their concentration in the blood.

    Dysopyramide - ventricular fibrillation.

    Rifabutin - development of leukopenia and neutropenia.

    Tetracycline and chloramphenicol increase the effectiveness of azithromycin, lincosamides - weaken.

    When used in therapeutic doses azithromycin has little effect on the pharmacokinetics of atorvastatin, carbamazepine, cetirizine, didanosine, efavirenz, fluconazole, indinavir sulfate, midazolam, rifabutin, sildenafil, theophylline (intravenously and inside), triazolam, co-trimoxazole, zidovudine.

    Efavirenz and fluconazole have little effect on the pharmacokinetics of azithromycin. Nelfinavir significantly increases Cmax and AUC azithromycin (co-administration requires strict monitoring for such side effects of azithromycin as a violation of liver function and hearing impairment).

    Pharmaceutically incompatible with heparin.

    Special instructions:

    Take for an hour or 2 hours after a meal.

    After the withdrawal of the treatment, hypersensitivity reactions in some patients may persist, which requires specific therapy under the supervision of a physician.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms

    Not found.
