Non-proprietary names from 'reserpine' to 'rituximab' - Electronic Medicinal Guide TALKDRUGS

1 D L R

IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

It is part of:

    IV.E10-E14.E11   Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

    It is part of:

    X.J30-J39.J30.1   Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen of plants

    X.J30-J39.J30.2   Other seasonal allergic rhinitis

    X.J30-J39.J30.3   Other allergic rhinitis

    X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

    X.J40-J47.J45.0   Asthma with predominance of an allergic component

    It is part of:

    I.B95-B97.B95   Streptococci and staphylococci as a cause of diseases classified elsewhere

    XII.L00-L08.L01   Impetigo

    XII.L20-L30.L30.3   Infectious dermatitis

    XIX.T79.T79.3   Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified

    It is part of:

    VI.G40-G47.G40   Epilepsy

    It is part of:

    IV.E50-E64.E50   Insufficiency of vitamin A

    IV.E50-E64.E55.0   Rickets active

    VII.H00-H06.H01.1   Noninfectious dermatosis of the eyelid

    VII.H15-H22.H18.0   Pigmentation and deposits in the cornea

    X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    XI.K20-K31.K25   Stomach ulcer

    XI.K20-K31.K26   Duodenal ulcer

    XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

    XI.K70-K77.K74   Fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver

    XII.L20-L30.L20.8   Other atopic dermatitis

    XII.L40-L45.L40   Psoriasis

    XII.L80-L99.L85.0   Acquired ichthyosis

    XIV.N60-N64.N60   Benign breast dysplasia

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

    XIX.T20-T32.T30   Thermal and chemical burns, unspecified

    XIX.T33-T35.T33   Surface frostbite

    XXI.Z20-Z29.Z29.8   Other specified preventive measures

    It is part of:

    I.A90-A99.A98.5   Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

    I.B15-B19.B18.2   Chronic viral hepatitis C

    X.J10-J18.J12   Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

    It is part of:

    I.A80-A89.A84   Tick-borne viral encephalitis

    I.A80-A89.A87   Viral meningitis

    VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

    IX.I80-I89.I80   Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis

    IX.I80-I89.I83.0   Varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcer

    X.J00-J06.J01   Acute Sinusitis

    X.J30-J39.J32   Chronic Sinusitis

    X.J40-J47.J47   Bronchoectasia

    X.J85-J86.J85   Abscess of the lung and mediastinum

    X.J85-J86.J86   Pythothrace

    XI.K00-K14.K05   Gingivitis and periodontal disease

    XI.K00-K14.K12   Stomatitis and related lesions

    XIII.M86-M90.M86   Osteomyelitis

    It is part of:

    IX.I80-I89.I83.0   Varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcer

    XII.L55-L59.L58   Radiation dermatitis radiation

    XII.L80-L99.L89   Decubital ulcer

    XIX.T20-T32.T30   Thermal and chemical burns, unspecified

    XXI.Z80-Z99.Z94   Presence of transplanted organs and tissues

    It is part of:

    IV.E50-E64.E53   Insufficiency of other B vitamins

    V.F40-F48.F48.0   Neurasthenia

    VII.H10-H13.H10.2   Other acute conjunctivitis

    VII.H10-H13.H10.4   Chronic conjunctivitis

    VII.H15-H22.H16   Keratite

    VII.H15-H22.H16.0   Corneal ulcer

    VII.H15-H22.H20.0   Acute and subacute iridocyclitis

    VII.H15-H22.H20.1   Chronic iridocyclitis

    VII.H25-H28.H25   Star cataract

    VII.H25-H28.H26   Other cataracts

    XI.K70-K77.K73.8   Other chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified

    It is part of:

    II.C50   Malignant neoplasm of breast)

    It is part of:

    IX.I20-I25.I20.0   Unstable angina

    IX.I20-I25.I21   Acute myocardial infarction

    IX.I26-I28.I26   Pulmonary embolism

    IX.I70-I79.I74   Embolism and thrombosis of the arteries

    IX.I80-I89.I82   Embolism and thrombosis of other veins

    It is part of:

    V.F00-F09.F00.9 *   Dementia in Alzheimer's disease, unspecified (G30.9 +)

    It is part of:

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.0   Postmenopausal osteoporosis

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.1   Osteoporosis after removal of ovaries

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.4   Medicinal osteoporosis

    It is part of:

    IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

    It is part of:

    I.B20-B24   Disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]

    It is part of:

    X.J10-J18.J10   Influenza caused by an identified influenza virus

    I.A80-A89.A84.9   Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified

    It is part of:

    IX.I26-I28.I27.0   Primary pulmonary hypertension

    IX.I26-I28.I27.8   Other specified forms of pulmonary heart disease

    It is part of:

    V.F20-F29.F20   Schizophrenia

    V.F20-F29.F21   Chrysotile disorder

    V.F20-F29.F22   Chronic delusional disorders

    V   Mental and behavioral disorders

    V.F20-F29.F25   Schizoaffective disorder

    V.F20-F29.F29   Inorganic psychosis, unspecified

    V.F30-F39.F30   Manic episode

    V.F30-F39.F31   Bipolar affective disorder

    It is part of:

    I.B20-B24   Disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]

    It is part of:

    II.C81-C96.C85.1   B-cell lymphoma, unspecified

    It is part of: